Crowdfunding since 2010
The world's cleanest drinking bottle, entirely plastic free and with countless cool designs. Also, innovative fundraising for clean water projects.
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Funding period
3/11/13 - 4/11/13
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
20,000 €
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What is this project all about?

We believe we have found a new antidote to the bottled water craze. Tap water in Europe, the US and the UK is usually as good as bottled water (if not better) while plastic bottled water is a nightmare - ecologically and healthwise (plastifiers leaking into the water, anyone?). Still, bottled water consumption is on the rise.

Now, we want to beat the big corporations with their own weapons. soulbottles and soulwater are making tap water sexier - while giving more people access to clean drinking water.

>> soulbottles are 100% plastic free drinking bottles. They’re made of high-quality Italian glass and have a ceramics- rubber-swing top. Old-school, safe and beautiful. Eternally refillable.

>> They carry countless cool designs, created by many different young artists and chosen by public vote. Burnt in to be dishwasher-proof and produced completely carbon-neutrally.

>> 1€ per soulbottle is donated to projects that give more people access to clean drinking water.

It gets even better: soulwater is where restaurants sell tap water in soulbottles and 100% of the proceeds are used to give more people access to clean drinking water. After all, the fact that almost 800 million people still don’t have access to clean drinking water is anything but sexy, right?

After a 1-year self-funded test phase we partnered with a red-dot-award-winning designer and developed the next generation of soulbottles - the awesomest (and cleanest) drinking bottle of all times. 20.000€ are needed for the first production run. You see how the money is going to be spent below.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

1. Goal: Less waste! Less CO2! More Beautiful!
Everytime a soulbottle is refilled and a plastic bottle not bought, we save 1/4 kg CO2 and 25g important grams of plastic. Plastic waste is filling up our oceans and landfills causing problems for the wild life, the environment and us. soulbottle cause no problems (except for making your muscles stronger) and only make the world more beautiful.

2. Goal: Clean Water for everybody!
With soulwater we could - if everything works the way we imagine it - raise about 5 Mio. € in five years for clean water projects in developing countries. With this amount we can give 70.000 people lifelong access to clean drinking water.

3. Goal: Healthy. Aware. Sexy.
Drinking tap water from a soulbottle is a lot healthier than drinking from plastic bottles all the time (plastifiers are sometimes poisonous, you know?). It also shows that you are aware and taking care of yourself and the enviroment. soulbottles show that sustainability can be sexy.

Why would you support this project?

If you want to make sustainability sexier ...
If you want to do your piece in making sure that everyone in this world has access to clean drinking water ...
If you've always looked for a way to get your friends to drink more tap water (without coming off as a judging know-it-all) ...
... then you should definitely back this project! :)

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

With 20.000€ we will produce and print 12.000 soulbottles of the next generation. This is an outrageously low price and order quantity for the glass industry. Not a surprise then that we spent more than 3 months in intense research until we found our supplier in North Italy.

IMPORTANT: The startnext funded bottles will not look like most of the bottles in the video. Instead, they'll have the shape of the white 3D-printed prototype that you see in the "with their 28mm opening" shot or the pictures in the rewards. This "soulbottle 2G" was designed for us by Talia Radford, Viennese Industrial Designer and winner of the Red-Dot-Design-Award 2012. The soulbottle 2G has a bigger opening (28 mm inside), so that you can easily clean it by putting it into the diswasher, 0,6l holding capacity and is designed for 2 different tops. The porcelain-rubber-swing top (the bigger one of the ones you see in the video), and a cork top.
Height of the soulbottle 2G: 24 cm. Diameter 7,6 cm. Material: transparent, colourless glass, weight around 400g (not definite yet, but max. 50g more or less than that). It has that weight because it needs to be able to withstand the pressure from sparkling water (which, as we found out after seeing a few bottles crack in the development process, is quite substantial).

As backers of the project and thus part of the souljury you will get a vote in which designs will be printed on the soulbottles 2G. 500-1000 bottles will carry the soulwater print (see corresponding reward) and be used mainly for the fundraising in restaurants (though you can also buy the soulwater bottles, of course).

Detailed Expenses:
4.920 € - mould costs for the soulbottles 2G
4.320 € - production of 12.000 soulbottles 2G
4.000 € - custom fitted swing tops (thus leakproof but still not too hard to open)
300 € - cork prototypes
5.500 € - print of 8.000 soulbottles 2G in 12 different designs (the rest is reserved for custom prints in smaller batches)
1.260 € - transport from glass factory (North Italy) to printing (Lower Austria) and warehouse (Berlin)
800€ - Carbon Offset for CO2-emissions from production and transport at
The 1€ donation comes after a bottle is sold.

Who are the people behind the project?

The core team consists of Paul Kupfer (24) and Georg Tarne (24). Paul studied journalism and communication studies in Vienna and worked for different companies Berlin, Vienna and London. Georg has been self-employed as a trainer for conflict resolution and personal growth skills, went through the 1-year Social Entrepreneurship training “Pioneers of Change” and was a finalist of the “Social Impact Award 2011”. The two met in the beginning of 2010 doing catering at the Imperial Palace in Vienna and are best friends ever since.

Bernardo Saorin is part of the team since mid-2012. He helped soulbottles with a small initial investment and his years of experience as an entrepreneur (he founded his first company 22 years ago, when he was just 19.)

Since recently there is also a growing team of volunteers helping us out, for which we are eternally grateful. Check them out at: :)

soulbottles & soulwater


Winner Maxima IdeaContest

Contest "Ideas against plastic", with Werner Boote, director of "Plastic Planet" in the jury.

Social Impact Lab

Stipend Startup. One of 5 out of more than 80 applications.

Legal notice
soulbottles water & beverage gmbh
Georg Tarne
Lasdehner Str 26
10243 Berlin Deutschland

Eingetragen am Amtsgericht Charlottenburg Berlin, HRB 144009

UID: DE28552523

7/5/13 - Bis zum Sonntag können alle Supporter noch mit...

Bis zum Sonntag können alle Supporter noch mit abstimmen welche Designs gedruckt werden sollen. Für alle die noch keine Einladung zur Abstimmung erhalten haben, bitte melden bei [email protected]. hier die Designs sehen und abstimmen:

4/16/13 - So, die Unterstützungsphase ist jetzt vorbei,...

So, die Unterstützungsphase ist jetzt vorbei, jetzt geht's an die Umsetzung!Wenn ihr trotzdem noch soulbottles vorbestellen wollt, könnt ihr das auf tun.Wir freuen uns. :)

4/11/13 - Und kurz vor Schluss wurden jetzt auch die...

Und kurz vor Schluss wurden jetzt auch die 25.000€ überschritten. Fast unglaublich...Daher, wie versprochen, 2 neue Dankeschöns:1) 1 soulbag deluxe INDIVIDUELL ENTWICKELTES UNIKAT - 99,- €Ein Unikat zu einem unschlagbaren Preis (den es so nicht noch einmal geben wird).2) 1 soulbrush (plastikfreie Bürste für die Reinigung) - 15,- €Eine Bürste aus Edelstahl und Schweineborstenzur leichten Reinigung von Ecken und Kanten.Details rechts :)

4/5/13 - Ihr seid der Wahnsinn! Dank euch haben wir eine...

Ihr seid der Wahnsinn! Dank euch haben wir eine Woche vor Schluss die 20.000€ geknackt!!!Wie versprochen gibt es dafür jetzt auch soulfilter und soulsleeves als neue Dankeschöns. Auf dass wir damit die 25.000€ knacken und es auch jetzt gleich soulbrushes und soulbags deluxe geben kann! :)

soulbottles & soulwater - plastikfreie Trinkflaschen und Fundraising
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