Crowdfunding since 2010

NAO is the time for a system change

It`s NAO or never! With NAO Studios you can be sure, we tell you the truth. Bye greenwashing, ciao f****** exploitation, adios fast fashion. We strive for a world where fair, honest, radically transparent and sustainable fashion (production) is the norm. Are you joining us?
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Funding period
11/26/21 - 1/9/22
ca. 6-8 Months
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 20,000 €

Materials for further development, the start of the first production, fair wages (Living Wage!) for the seamstresses and for transport and administration.

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It's a Wrap!

Samira Kuljurgis
Samira Kuljurgis1 min Lesezeit

Dear family and friends, like-minded community, visionaries and revolutionaries,

it’s a wrap!
After an exciting (sometimes sleepless ;-) ) crowfunding period, we actually managed to reach our funding goal.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all of you.

THANK YOU for your support in our crowdfunding campaign.
THANK YOU for believing in our vision and the project.
THANK YOU for sharing NAO Studios with your network and giving us more visibility.
THANK YOU for taking the time to get to know our project.
THANK YOU for giving us a little bit of your life time to pursue our vision, goals and development.

We are touched by your feedback and encouragement, your ideas and input.

We have loved every step of this journey so far and can't wait to share our next steps with you.
We will do our very best to stick to our estimated delivery date for sending the rewards in May. In the meantime, we will keep you posted on how things proceed!

All the best and with love,

Samira, Mohammed, Rebecca & the whole Tailoring-Team

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
NAO UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Samira Zakeya Kuljurgis
Rathausstraße 2
33602 Bielefeld Deutschland

12/21/21 - Liebe Unterstützer:innen, liebe like-minded...

Liebe Unterstützer:innen, liebe like-minded Community,
wir sind überglücklich, überwältigt und dankbar für euren Support und was wir damit bisher erreichen konnten.
Über digitale Kanäle konnten wir unsere Vision in den letzten drei Wochen quasi per Mausklick verbreiten und damit Sichtbarkeit für unser Projekt bekommen.
Wir möchten jedoch nicht nur online, sondern auch über analoge Medien auf NAO Studios aufmerksam machen und damit noch viel mehr Menschen die Möglichkeit geben uns bei unserer Vision zu unterstützen und Teil der NAO Studios Community zu werden.
Schnell und per Mausklick ist in der analogen Welt allerdings aufgrund von gewissen Regularien und Vorbereitungszeiten nicht so einfach :-)
And guess what?! Wir haben nun die Möglichkeit bekommen die Crowdfunding Kampagne um eine Woche zu verlängern und zwar bis zum 9.1.2022 *biggestsmile*
(Dies hat keine Auswirkungen auf den Versand der Dankeschöns)

Also weiter gehts. Informiert gerne eure Freund:innen, Familien und Netzwerke, dass sie Zeit gewonnen haben NAO Studios zu unterstützen :-)

Lasst uns gemeinsam eine neue Fashion-Ära starten.

The Future is NAO!

Samira & Mohammed

Not just another fashion brand
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