Crowdfunding since 2010

SuperCoop currently has 1,500 members and 4,000 articles. We want to grow by another 350 members and expand our concept. Join us!

SuperCoop - your community supermarket. We are rethinking and redesigning the food trade to make good, regional and affordable products available in all refrigerators. We need you to help us do this in the long term and sustainably! Shop in your own supermarket, help decide what's on the shelves and be part of a great community. Are you in?
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Funding period
5/21/24 - 7/14/24
We are already in the process.
Website & Social Media
Funding goal: 70,000 €

Mit 350 neuen Mitgliedern und 70.000 € können wir unsere Schichten füllen und die Genossenschaft nachhaltig betreiben.

Mit 85.000 € können wir zusätzlich investieren: in unsere Café-Ecke, den Unverpackt-Bereich und Küchenausstattung.

Social Business
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Primary sustainable development goal
Sustainable consumption
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What is this project all about?

When we go shopping in a normal supermarket today, we often don't know where the products come from, how they were grown and how fairly the supply chain works.
Overwhelmed by choice and anonymous, we are faced with a huge range of products where often only the price counts.
As a result, we are increasingly losing our connection to food and to the people who produce it.
At SuperCoop, we restore this missing connection to our food and to our fellow human beings. It is a place that connects us!

SuperCoop belongs to its members. Just like a normal supermarket, we offer a full range of groceries and other everyday goods - everything from apple sauce to toothpaste!
The difference is:
We offer quality, healthy, fairly produced and mostly regional food at affordable prices. The direct and short value chain enables us to be on average 20% cheaper than well-known organic supermarkets in a direct price comparison.
As members, we have a say and are directly involved. At the SuperCoop, each member works one shift of three hours per month, during which for example the products are received and stocked, cheese is cut, and the checkouts are staffed so other members can pay for their shopping. If a member is unable to complete their monthly shift, a pool of solidarity shifts, donated by other members, can be accessed.
We know exactly where the products come from, how they were produced and where our money goes.
We see entrepreneurial activity as a tool to promote the common good and protect the environment. For us, profits are a means, not the end.

How exactly does that work?

At SuperCoop, everyone is a member: owners, customers and employees.
A small team of permanent employees takes care of product purchasing and coordination.
The members keep SuperCoop running and continuously develop the concept in working groups.
The General Assembly makes fundamental decisions by majority vote of the members.
And this is now working with great dynamism. SuperCoop is like a puzzle made up of the skills and experience of our 1,500 or so members.
Become a part of it too!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

SuperCoop is organised by its members for its members, for Wedding and all of Berlin.
We are a diverse and varied community, consisting of all age groups, families and single people, different cultures with different languages, many life situations and professions. It's a great cross-section of curious people from Wedding and other districts! We shop here, do our 3-hour shift every 4 weeks and exchange ideas.
SuperCoop not only brings our neighbourhood together, but also creates a strong network of producers, suppliers and institutions.
Most of our suppliers come from the surrounding area. With short transportation routes and organic, sustainable production methods. We are always amazed at the variety and quality of essential products available right on our doorstep.
We now reach many parts of our society with our work and see ourselves as part of a changing system based on transparency and trust.

Why would you support this project?

You want to...
Go shopping without having to worry about what's the best choice for you and having to decide between healthy and cheap?
Meet new people, become part of a diverse community and gain new perspectives?
Have an impact on what products are on the shelf and where your money goes?
Support producers and suppliers whose work creates a future worth living for future generations?

  • build a real alternative to how we buy food?

Well, you can! Because together we can do more than alone. You can make a big difference by joining in and becoming a member or supporting SuperCoop in other ways.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

With 350 new active members and €70,000, we can fill our shifts, cover our costs with our own turnover and thus be economically sustainable.

If we reach our target of € 85,000, we will still have money left over to invest in new projects.

  • Kitchen equipment for our lunch table
  • Events for the neighborhood
  • the expansion of our café corner
  • the expansion of our unpackaged area
  • YOUR ideas!

Who are the people behind the project?

A growing community of now over 1,500 members who run SuperCoop together, select products and help shape it! The members are the heart and soul of SuperCoop.
The cooperative board, consisting of Eugénie, Marie & Johanna, brings important experience from community work, logistics, financial planning and sustainability management - but above all, conviction and passion for the project.
Our Supervisory Board consists of Ela, Christophe, Dilara, Mathias and Claus, who support us with their expertise in food retail, organisational development, finance and legal issues.
We have also built up a large and strong partner network.

We work closely with, among others: Regionalwert AG Berlin-Brandenburg, GLS-Bank, Ecosia, Speisegut, Roots Radicals, SEND, Impact Hub Berlin and, of course, our sisters from New York, Paris and Brussels.

Change is created by each individual in a community. Change needs you. Become a member of the SuperCoop or support our community by buying a Dankeschön!

SuperCoop Berlin eG

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal

Sustainable consumption

Why does this project contribute to this goal?

SuperCoop gestaltet den Lebensmittelhandel neu. Wir kaufen selbst unsere Lebensmittel ein, und das zum großen Teil in der Region. Das verkürzt die Lieferketten, macht sie transparent und fair. Ein Großteil der erzielten Preise geht so an die Produzenten. Unsere Produkte sind bio und nachhaltig produziert.
Zudem verbinden wir die Menschen unserer Region, indem wir eine starke Community und Partnerschaften entstehen lassen und in die Gesellschaft wirken.

This project also pays toward those goals

Innovation & infrastructure
Climate action


GLS Bank

GLS Bank is our house bank, which has supported us in all our expansions.


The search engine that plants trees...ECOSIA supports SuperCoop with free ads for the duration of the Startnext campaign.


We source the majority of our vegetables from Speisegut. We are allowed to advertise in their networks and SuperCoop members work there until the harvest.

La Louve

Our sister in Paris and SuperCoop are in close contact and support us in order to accelerate the turnaround in food retailing. Many products are inspired by La Louve and are unique in Berlin.

Park Slope Food Coop

Our New York sister is our role model and we are in close contact. Some members of the SuperCoop joined us directly after moving from New York to Berlin.

Green Buddy Award 2023 Sonderpreis

Die SuperCoop gewann 2023 den Green Buddy Award in der Sonderkategorie "Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt"

HDI Versicherungen

HDI addiert am Ende des Crowdfundings 25% auf alle ab dem 10.06.24 eingeworbenen Dankeschöns! Danke an HDI Versicherungen für das Co-Funding!

Legal notice
SuperCoop Berlin eG
Johanna Kühner
Oudenarder Straße 16
13347 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE342267166

6/10/24 - Wir würden die Kampagne gerne um eine Woche...

Wir würden die Kampagne gerne um eine Woche verlängern, da das die Kondition von HDI für ein Co-Funding ist - das würden wir gerne nutzen.

SuperCoop - Your community supermarket
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