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A book project on the effect of televised crime fiction on our perception and behaviour.

Within the book project "The Perfect Crime: Concerning the Murder of Reality", the overrepresentation of televised fictional murder marks the starting point of our exploration on possible effects of crime fiction on our perception and behaviour. Through different visual levels, we explore the extent to which supposed knowledge about police work, potentially hazardous locations and alleged characteristics of victims and perpetrators is reinforced through fictional representations in crime series.
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Funding period
11/10/23 - 12/9/23
Early 2024
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
6,000 €
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What is this project all about?

If you flick through German television programmes, it almost seems impossible not to end up watching a crime series. In 2015 alone, ARD and ZDF (main German public broadcasters) broadcasted four and a half thousand crime episodes - on average, each of these episodes contains at least one murder or manslaughter offence. The crime statistics of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) display 565 cases of completed murder and manslaughter offences throughout the same time period.

In our work, we make reference to a wide variety of criminal investigation methods, such as crime scene photography, portraits of alleged criminals and current 3D scanning techniques.
In doing so, we enter the field of tension between fiction and reality, speculation and authenticity and negotiate contemporary discourses of the documentary and the fundamental question of the promise of reality in photographic images.

This work has resulted in a book, we are planning to publish together with the Swedish publishing house "Kult Books". The crowdfunding is intended to finance this very publication.

The project was shortlisted for the C/O Berlin Talent Award in 2023 and received bronze at the German Photo Book Award. An extract of the project was published in ZEITMagazin and exhibited at the Biennale de l'Image Tangible in Paris.

The artistic work is complemented by two essays. In their text "Crime Narratives as Narratives of Order", Aldo Legnaro and Andrea Kretschmann look at the ambivalent role of crime series in German society from a sociological perspective. In her text "Image traces: Forensic Media and the Documentary Gaze", Karen Fromm creates a link between the documentary image and its use in the context of forensic police work.

The book has a total of 216 pages and a format of 28x15.6cm. It will be printed at the Berlin-based printing house Sportflieger. The cover is coated with a thermochromatic varnish that becomes transparent when being exposed to body heat. Therefore, fingerprints on the book cover become visible for a short time period before disappearing again.

Have a look at our crowdfunding video to find out more!

The Perfect Crime: Concerning the Murder of Reality, English/German, 216 pages, 28 x 15.6 cm, Swiss bound, cover with thermochromatic ink, offset printed, thread stitched, edition of 1000, published by Kult Books, ISBN: 978-91-987607-2-9

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The aim of the work is to raise awareness of the effect of crime series on our sense of security and our perception of general crime and police work. It is our objective to make people aware and critically scrutinise their own assumptions and ideas concerning this matter. In addition, the broader question is being raised, to what extent these fictional narratives of order create the basis for an ever-expanding police security structure, for instance in the field of surveillance and predictive policing.

We would also like to provide an artistic, visual introduction into discussions, led within various media theory discourses, such as on the interaction between fiction and reality and the impact of images on our perception of reality.

The book addresses sociological, media-theoretical and criminological aspects on various levels and creates a link between the discourses by means of an artistic examination. It therefore targets a broad spectrum of people from a wide range of backgrounds.

Why would you support this project?

Supporting the publication of the book will allow us to make the covered topics accessible to a wider public and thus raise awareness of the impact of fictional representations on our perception of reality.

For instance, 300 copies of the book will be available for free at Swedish libraries all across the country. Furthermore, we'd have the chance to address audiences beyond our own sphere of influence at a low-threshold level through cooperation with various bookshops.

In addition to the book, you have the chance to receive many other thank-you gifts, such as a poster, a signed print, or the special edition, consisting of a slipcase that has been treated with luminescent paint so that it glows in the dark - an idea, based on police work with black light, in order to trace bodily fluids at crime scenes.

Feel free to share the crowdfunding with other interested people!
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How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

In total, €15,900 are needed to be able to publish the book in its current form. €9,000 have already been provided through a grant from the Swedish Arts Council.
If successful, 100% of the money will be used to finance this publication.

This includes the production costs of the book, such as printing and binding, the design, the introductory text and its translation as well as font licences, colour proofs and the fees for the crowdfunding itself.

The books and thank you gifts purchased via the crowdfunding will most likely be delivered in January of 2024.

Who are the people behind the project?

Malte Uchtmann and Jan A. Staiger are behind this project, in collaboration with many other great partners and contributors.

We got to know each other while studying photojournalism and documentary photography in Hanover, from where we also graduated together. With 'The Perfect Crime: Concerning the Murder of Reality', we were shortlisted together for the C/O Berlin Talent Award 2023.

Jan is based in Brussels and his artistic work mainly deals with the tension between politics and society. His work has been published in Der SPIEGEL, DIE ZEIT, ZEITmagazin and Süddeutsche Zeitung and has been exhibited at brut Vienna and Biennale de l'Image Tangible in Paris.

Malte is based in Leipzig and works there as a photographer and media artist. He has been interested in how concepts of knowledge, truth and reality are expressed and influence our perception and behaviour. His book "ANKOMMEN" received the German Photo Book Award 20/21 and was also published together with Kult Books.

For the book design, we collaborated with the Berlin-based graphic designer Max Heinemann.

Kult Books is a young Swedish publishing house, based in Stockholm, which specialises in photographic publications and is managed by Janne Riikonen. In addition to the production process, Janne will be assisting us with the distribution of the book.

Karen Fromm is a professor in the Visual Journalism programme and Dean of the Faculty of Media and Design at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. She completed her doctorate at the Humboldt University in Berlin on the subject of "The Image as Witness". Her areas of teaching and research are photographic theory, photographic visual languages and the documentary in photography.

Aldo Legnaro is a German social scientist. He researches and publishes particularly within the context of critical criminology and social science drug and addiction research. He focuses on the sociology of deviance and conformity and the sociology of the control society.

Andrea Kretschmann is a Professor of Cultural Sociology and Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies at Leuphana University. She is also an associate researcher at the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin. Her research focuses on cultural sociology, political sociology from a cultural-theoretical perspective and the sociology of law and crime.

Das perfekte Verbrechen: Zur Ermordung der Realität


Kult Books

The Swedish independent publisher Kult Books, with whom Malte had already published his first book "ANKOMMEN", will also be working with us on "The Perfect Crime: Concerning the Murder of Reality".

Swedish Arts Council

The Swedish Arts Council is financially supporting the publication and will make 280 copies of the book available to public libraries all throughout Sweden.

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12/8/23 - Damit das bisher eingenommene Funding-Geld...

Damit das bisher eingenommene Funding-Geld nicht verloren geht und ein erfolgreiches Crowdfunding bis Morgen Abend realistischer wird, haben wir uns entschieden den Mindestbetrag etwas herabzusetzen und werden uns das ausstehende Geld für die Produktion erst einmal leihen oder versuchen es über eine Förderung zu erhalten. Einen großen Dank an alle Personen, welche das Crowdfunding bisher unterstützt haben, wir sind zuversichtlich den noch ausstehenden Betrag bis Morgen Abend erhalten zu können!

The Perfect Crime: Concerning the Murder of Reality
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