Code Sprint - day four - refactoring and more additional features!
Since we started with one developer less yesterday, we were not able to complete as many features and bugfxies as the day before. Still the result was satisfying.
Especiall due to the refactoring of those methods that had been quite large before, the code is getting more and more clearly arranged, giving us the chance for additional unit tests. Furthermore we have got direct support by the TYPO3 UI team, that will do the redesign of the drag in wizard. Many smaller improvements regarding UI and UX are already available in our repository.
Today the plan is to finish allowed cotent elements for particular columns, so that they will be recognized during drag & drop, drag in and while editing single elements. This is an important step for the future plan to have minimal components like text, image oder headline to build your own content elements with. Additionally we will start with features for the frontend output.
We are making progress!