Crowdfunding since 2010
Our new project is about setting up ready made packages containing backend layouts and grid layouts with appropriate frontend output. Later on different variants of these packages, like i.e. Twitter boostrap, jQuery, YAML, will provide a base to set up concrete individual themes and designs.
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Funding period
12/4/13 - 3/7/14
Minimum amount (Start level): €
12,000 €
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What is this project all about?

Since the successful project Grid Elements 2.0 got such a positive feedback and there is really a high interest by many users, we want to see how we can push TYPO3 CMS forward even more.
Focus will be especially on the long term support release TYPO3 CMS 6.2, since from March 2014 it will be a reliable base for the work with the content management system for at least 3 years.

Our new project is about setting up ready made packages containing backend layouts and grid layouts with appropriate frontend output. Later on different variants of these packages, like i.e. Twitter boostrap, Foundartion, YAML, will provide a base to set up concrete individual themes and designs.

We were able to convince several developers, who have pubslihed extensions with similar goals already. So i.e. Kay Strobach with ext:themes, Claus Due with ext:flux or Arno Dudek with ext:twitterbootstrap joined us. The common goal is to generate a base for different themes, that will aggregate and standardize the different approaches.

If you want to support us as a developer or maybe even got some own results for such packages, you are welcome to join us as well. Providing developers or designers instead of money is possible as well. If you have got questions about that, feel free to call us.

To have a final decision about which particular packages we want to realize, we provided 5 different amounts of 50, 100, 1,000, 2,000 and 6,000 Euros in the right column. Each support counts as a voting for a package and with 6,000 Euros you can immediately ensure a package so that it will be realized in any case.

Of course you can sponsor other amounts as well providing the desired package in the form and you can even make proposals for your favorite package.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Anyone who wants to build a website with TYPO3 CMS and wants to make use of backend layouts and grid elements doesn't have to do it from scratch on his own anymore, but can immediately use existing base packages with the appropriate favorite theme. It will just take two extensions to be installed, one for the base, like i.e. Twitter bootstrap, Foundation, YAML, and another one for the theme package.

Themes will be available for free download via the TYPO3 extension repository as well as for direct installation from commercial shops via a backend module. So TYPO3 themes are interesting for commercial providers as well for example to extend their hosting services or expand an already existing theme portfolio.

This will be an advantage for any TYPO3 CMS user - especially TYPO3 CMS integrators - who want to save the time needed to create the setup, or who want to setup a CMS based website while having not much programming knowledge, so they can focus on editing their content later on.

Why would you support this project?

As we all know, time is money, and you don't need a completely individual layout for each TYPO3 CMS project. Additionally in times of mobile web and responsive design the use of JavaScript and CSS frameworks more or less is a must have.

Grid packages will provide a huge part of these must haves and will leave it to the integrator to do some shiny nice to haves based upon them within much less time.

Another reason is, that TYPO3 CMS is free software having the motto: Free as in "free speech", not as in "free beer". To get a free mind for this creative and independent work, developers and designers of this kind of software need the help of sponsors to make a living.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The goal of 12.000 Euro is based on two ready made packages. We will treat each collected amount as a voting, which package we should produce first. To produce a single package at all we will need at least 6.000 Euros for it.

Having 14.000 Euros with 7.000 for twitter bootstrap, 6.000 for foundation and 1.000 for any other proposal, we will create the first two only.

Having an overfunding, we will produce another package for each additional 6.000 Euros. With 20.000 Euros there would be 3 of the proposed packages being produced.

Any additional amount will be used equally for the packages we are going to create. The more overfunding we will get the more themes will be available for the start.

Who are the people behind the project?

Cybercr@ft Media Manufactory, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, is responsible for
conducting this code sprint and for payments to participants.

We are TYPO3 developers and supporters from day one and are specialised in
providing services based on this successful CMS since 2003.
Numerous extensions, parts of TYPO3's core, the TYPO3 Cookbook published
by O'Reilly as well as thousands of support answers in TYPO3 newsgroups,
forums and mailing lists are results of our work so far.

Furthermore we are TYPO3-Association members and we were present at most
official conferences and dev days with presentations and workshops
since 2006. And with Grid Elements 2.0 we were the first who successfuly conducted a crowdfunding campaign to finance a TYPO3 CMS extension.

As a qualified industrial manager with skills in management consulting Petra, project manager, assures a commercially correct execution and taxation. Jo is head of engineering and takes care of coordinating the software development. This way we want to make sure features are implemented by the team as promised and according to our sponsor's interest.


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Cybercraft Media Manufactory UG
Petra Hasenau
Zellbach 69
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Deutschland

USt-IdNr.: DE266722178

Theme Packages - Basis für TYPO3 CMS Design-Themes
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