Crowdfunding since 2010

Wir bauen ein Kreislaufsystem für Wein-Kegs auf, damit Du auf Festivals, Events und in Deinem Unverpackt-Laden Deinen Wein zapfen kannst.

Ebb & Flow Keg makes circularity for wine possible! Craft wines are filled into our kegs (reusable stainless-steel containers) directly at the winery and then distributed to partners (restaurants, wine bars or packaging-free shops). There, the kegs are connected to a tap system & tapped for by-the-glass, carafe enjoyment or into refillable to-go bottles. This saves waste, CO2, space & handling time. With the raised money we will be able to expand our keg fleet and service.
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Funding period
7/20/22 - 8/22/22
We are already tapping
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 13,000 €

Damit können weitere 170 Kegs finanziert werden.

Frankfurt am Main
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Primary sustainable development goal
Sustainable consumption

What is this project all about?

Expanding access to minimal waste, handcrafted wine in reusable containers - building a circular economy for packaging the wine industry.

Did you know that the single-use glass bottle for wine accounts for more than half of the CO2 footprint of the product?

Haven't you ever noticed how much glass has accumulated after a festival or house party?

This is where our concept, Ebb & Flow Keg, comes into play: We want to establish the first infrastructure to offer reusable packaging for wine in Germany and Europe. Our goal is to make reusable packaging accessible to producers and distributors to reduce single-use packaging, glass bottles, corks, labels and cardboard boxes, from landing in the landfill or going through an energy-intense recycling system.

No worries about product quality - Wines filled into kegs (reusable stainless-steel containers) taste great, stay super fresh and last a long time even after being opened.
Handling is simple, easy and there's no waste disposal needed.

Our motto is: join our keg community and tap sustainably into the future!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

By Spring 2023, we want to expand our keg system for wine in Germany and Scandinavia.

For our next step, we plan to target larger event locations, festivals and gastronomy. In addition, the organic wines will also be available for tapping in packaging-free stores and wine shops.

We hope you will be able to tap high-quality organic wines and other craft beverages in the near future fresh in your city. Just pack one of our stylish refillable bottles, head to one of our partners and enjoy freshly tapped drinks!

We also want to lend our "Keggies", as we affectionately call them, to winemakers so that they can tap wines themselves at events.

Our vision is to build a great network of producers, wine shops, bars and cultural institutions and to make our dream of an expansive keg community come true!

Why would you support this project?

Circularity is the future!

We at Ebb & Flow Keg want to show that wine or craft drinks can find their way to a reusable package that maintains high quality and tastes great on tap. It’s time to move away from energy- and resource-intense glass bottles to a sustainable alternative made of stainless steel and can be reused for up to 30 years.

We already are able to save 40% CO2 when using our kegs in contrast to the production, recycling and transportation of bottles for wine distribution to our partners and consumers.

We only sell wines from producers we know and appreciate personally, we can guarantee a resource-saving and quality-oriented production.

In the future, we want to offer organic craft wines in kegs at even more events and festivals - freshly tapped, without packaging waste.

Let's work together to build a sustainable beverage culture. With your support it can become a reality!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

To make our circular economy readily available, we need a larger base fleet of kegs that can be filled with wine and allow a quicker implementation and access to a circular economy for wine packaging. For our next step of growth, we need 170 kegs. That will allow 3,400 liters of wine to supply regional festivals and cultural events in Winter 2022 and Summer 2023.

With your support we can finance this considerable amount and take further big steps towards a sustainable wine culture!

To offer transparency and show you what we can build together, we would like to share this simple calculation:

170 kegs = 3,400L wine = 13,000 €
200 kegs = 4.000L wine = 15.000 €
300 kegs = 6.000L wine = 22.500 €
500 kegs = 10.000L wine = 37.500 €

Who are the people behind the project?

Deandra, Philipp, Nadine and Tina met while studying at Hochschule Geisenheim University. The team has grown to five that work both full- and part-time on the project and we are spread between Frankfurt am Main and Berlin.

The team has been supported over the last two years by Hochschule Geisenheim University in research, beverage technology and business development.

We are crazy about wine, package-free concepts, cooking and gardening. Our conviction to make the wine industry more sustainable connects us and fuels our aim to build a keg community.

Do you want to join our keg community? Then support us on our mission! We can't wait to get started with you!

If you want to know more about us, just drop by or write us:
Ebb & Flow Keg
[email protected]

Ebb & Flow Keg

Legal notice
Ebb & Flow Keg GmbH
Deandra Anderson
Frankenallee 275
60326 Frankfurt am Main Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE342852434
Unverpackter Wein
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