Crowdfunding since 2010

Wir bauen ein Kreislaufsystem für Wein-Kegs auf, damit Du auf Festivals, Events und in Deinem Unverpackt-Laden Deinen Wein zapfen kannst.

Ebb & Flow Keg makes circularity for wine possible! Craft wines are filled into our kegs (reusable stainless-steel containers) directly at the winery and then distributed to partners (restaurants, wine bars or packaging-free shops). There, the kegs are connected to a tap system & tapped for by-the-glass, carafe enjoyment or into refillable to-go bottles. This saves waste, CO2, space & handling time. With the raised money we will be able to expand our keg fleet and service.
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Funding period
7/20/22 - 8/22/22
We are already tapping
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 13,000 €

Damit können weitere 170 Kegs finanziert werden.

Frankfurt am Main
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Primary sustainable development goal
Sustainable consumption

101 Supporter

Sophie Freitag
Sophie Freitag
Valentin Zimmermann
Valentin Zimmermann
Eline Verbruggen
Eline Verbruggen
Gerhard Giesler
Gerhard Giesler
Rachelle Verbruggen
Rachelle Verbruggen
Valerie Voggenreiter
Valerie Voggenreiter
Charmaine Berlouis
Charmaine Berlouis
Björn Poss
Björn Poss
Antomio Abruzzese
Antomio Abruzzese
Annie Höger
Annie Höger
Christine Müller
Christine Müller
Christian Hartmann
Christian Hartmann
anonymous supports: 24
Unverpackter Wein
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