This brought tears to my eyes
Nach vier Tagen im Studio in Hannover, las ich gestern auf der Heimfahrt diesen zauberhaften Kommentar auf unserer startnext-Pinnwand. Er hat mich sehr gerührt. Daher möchte ich ihn gerne teilen:
“A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” Maya Angelou
Viola has songs!
She has everything within her. The notes come out from her very life. They are not materials gathered from outside.
“When a singer truly feels and experiences what the music is all about, the words will automatically ring true.” Monserrat Caballé
Viola and her fab aesthetically gifted Band need to be heard.
Ardell, thank you so much for these wonderful words!
Ich habe mit Ardell acht Jahre bei Shilly Shally zusammen gesungen. His voice is one of a kind. He is an inspiration
and such a great soul.
Please check out his work.