Crowdfunding since 2010

A global problem needs a global solution. We build the community of change with you. Our power is created in the community!

Protect the climate and earn money at the same time? What sounds utopian becomes reality with wearth. With our online platform, we want to build a worldwide community that finances urgently needed climate protection measures, such as the reforestation of forests, in a playful way. Our concept gives those who are committed to our future the financial scope to tackle all other projects that are pending in the transformation of society.
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Funding period
4/30/22 - 7/31/22
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What is this project all about?

How do we want to achieve this? With the monthly membership fees we can finance climate protection projects. After registration, the game really starts for you as a member: You can invite people from your environment to the community via a link, and receive a monthly income for each successful registration. Three successful invitations mean free membership, for each additional invitation your basic climate income increases. In summary: You do good and earn money at the same time. With this financial incentive, climate protection suddenly becomes attractive for everyone, so the potential of our community is huge, and so is the positive impact of every single member on our planet.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The target group for our project is therefore firstly people like us who want to expand their positive impact in the fight against the climate crisis and recruit as many people and resources as possible for this. On the other hand, our platform for the first time also provides incentives for people who do not care about climate protection but would like to earn some money on the side without any effort. Climate protection with we earth thus becomes attractive for everyone!

Why would you support this project?

All current climate protection measures and plans are obviously insufficient and much too slow to enable a rapid transformation of our societies. Therefore, no new and unconventional approach should be left untried to turn the tide in the fight against the climate crisis after all.

Wearth is one such approach. We understand the power of the social environment and the frenzied spread of messages, especially through digital platforms. That's why we believe our approach can be a model for sustainable collaboration among a global community, and bring new momentum to climate action.

With your contribution you can not only contribute to the realization of our great vision, but you automatically become a member of our community, and thus one of the first in our movement. Let's lobby together for humanity and our planet.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

With your help, we can test our financing model. If our thesis of exponential growth of our community works out and we reach our first milestone of one million euros in membership fees after a few weeks, we will have to further expand our platform and automate processes to create a really powerful impact in the future. We will use the money to further professionalize our website and app so that they become available and attractive to a global movement, and nothing technically stands in the way of rapid growth of our community. To achieve this goal, we need to acquire programmers and software packages, but also need legal advice, growth experts and professional community management for a rapid expansion and internationalization of the platform. To make all this possible, we need people like you who believe in a future worth fighting for. Thank you very much!

Who are the people behind the project?

The concept was created by Jan Verdaasdonk after he created their fundraising concept for Plant for the planet. He saw that the usual fundraising measures were insufficient to finance the Trillion Tree Campaign. For more than a year, he has been talking to a wide variety of people about how this could be done and worked with a wide variety of people to get this concept off the ground. In early 2021, he was able to convince the first team members in the ClimateHack of Climate Founders and founded the association with them in July 2021 and continued to tweak the concept. In October 2021, he won the Ideenkanal in Liechtenstein with his vision and was able to win other companions for his cause there as well. The concept was worked out until the end of January 2022 to be ready for the crowdfunding campaign on the first of May to welcome the first members. The board consists of Konstantin Pfoser (Communication) and Florian Schweitzer (Legal) supported by Lukas Hack, Janik Kiesel, Angela Hamm, Jakob Salner, Bernhard Dienstbier, Vincent Hehle, Marco Esposito, Michael Marte, Phil Pichler, Britney Ebowe, Mario Geier, Katharina Gajdosova and many more.


Imagine we are 100 million people in the community fighting for our future! What couldn't we accomplish?! EVERYTHING!
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ELOOP ist ein Wiener Start-Up und hat die Vision, die individuelle Mobilität in Wien zu revolutionieren. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf umweltfreundlichen Mobilitätslösungen. Wir ändern die Art und Weise, wie sich Menschen in städtischen Gebieten fortbewe

woodbrothers OG

Unser Initiator hat gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Nick und deren Mutter während der Corona Pandemie begonnen Balance Boards herzustellen. Jetzt supporten Sie uns mit ihren Brettern.

Gasthaus Hirschen

Die Wirten Angelika und Josef aus Altach sind langjährige Freunde Jan's und unterstützen uns mit ein paar Runden Käsespätzle. Vielen Dank dafür!

Designerin Anna Ellensohn

Anna unterstützt die Idee von Anfang an. Sie ist wie eine Schwester für Jan und supportet die Kampagne mit ihren Bauchtaschen - handmade by AE

Danke für deinen Support

Bootleggers Manufaktur

Die Bootleggers Getränkemanufaktur ist eine innovative Destillerie, spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung und Produktion von Eigenmarken. Viel Dank and die Gründer Clemens Bohle und Gero Stephan.

Michael "Mitch" Marte

Mitch ist Grafikdesigner, Typograph sowie Kopf des Designteams vom Poolbar-Festival. Mit seinem visuellen Design Konzept für unsere Community ist jedes Mitglied ein Hingucker.

Danke für deinen Support!

Tobias Zinniel

Stolz auf die wunderschöne Natur in der er lebt, stolz auf den geschichtsträchtigen Boden seiner Heimat und stolz und voller Leidenschaft für seine Weine.

Diese Charaktereigenschaften beschreiben den jungen Winzer, Tobias Zinniel am besten!


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we earth - together against the climate crisis e.V.
Jan Verdaasdonk
Scheugasse 22/27
1100 Wien Österreich
we earth - together against the climate crisis e.V
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