Crowdfunding since 2010

beautiful and convenient! The new adaptive clothing for premature babies and kids with disabilities and chronical diseases.

finally fitted clothes for premature babies and kids with disabilities and chronical disease!
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Funding period
4/11/22 - 5/11/22
until summer 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 12,000 €

12.000€ will enable us to cover the costs of the first production round of ca. 500 pieces. We donate 5% of the revenue to Sozialhelden e.V.

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What is this project all about?

We are Wombly, and we finally want to make adaptive clothing beautiful, practical and social. Adaptive clothing means: clothes with special openings and features for children with disabilities and chronical diseases.
Besides the pragmatic aspect, the empowering is our crucial point.

Though 15 % of children and teens in Germany live with a chronical disease, the existing clothing brands just don‘t notice them. We want to do our bit to change that.

Our vision is to build a brand that:

  • has a fair, sustainable and ecologically responsible profile
  • adresses the stated problems and a huge gap in the market
  • values diversity and good working conditions for everybody involved
  • offers a platform for the exchange of personal experiences with different diseases
  • increases a socially inclusive consciousness

Due to our limits to resources we start with a very small product range. We want to enlarge the range as soon as possible to cover more needs and more age groups. It is our ambitious aim to offer clothes for older children and teenagers with special needs in the forseeable future.

In spite of our high standards concerning material and production, it is important to us to keep the products affordable. For that reason we will integrate a rental system in our webshop where clients can rent the garment only for the time needed for way less costs.

If you have or know a special needs child and you have suggestions, what kind of clothes you would need or like and which would make your life a bit easier, please get in touch. We appreciate all inspiration coming from you.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

almost 20% of all people in the European Union live with a disability.
15% of children and teens in Germany have a chronical disease.

We aim to:

- faciliate the daily dealing with the medical support for parents and children
- nurture the autonomy and the self-confidence of the child by offering a look far from stigma
- offer practical adaptive clothes in a truly beautiful way. We believe that you have to give people a choice to make them feel confident and esteemed.
- allow people who can‘t or don‘t want to afford our products to rent them only for the needed period for less costs.

Life with a chronical disease or disability is a challenge for the child and the relatives, can take a lot of strenght and cost nerves. Finding fitted clothes should‘t do this on top.

Our offer addresses parents and relatives of children with special needs. If you are not affected but want to help someone else, we also offer product donations.

Why would you support this project?

Everybody is talking about inclusion. But practically, humans who diverge from the norm are still discriminated or just overlooked.

We believe: it should be a matter of course that people with a disability or a chronical disease are able to dress just as beautiful and individual as anybody else. To have a choice and pick, what they like. It‘s wildly unfair that there are hardly any brands who offer clothes that faciliate life for people with various diseases. Most of the big online-marketplaces don‘t even have the category adaptive.

Fashion industry is the second-worst on earth not only in ecological terms – it also happily excludes all kinds of minorities so far. With your support we want to at least form a very small part of an urgently needed change.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

12.000 €: we produce the first small range of products (eco, fair and made in the EU) for premature babies and children up to six years who have stoma and ports or have a hospital stay. We will sell them and rent them out via our webshop from summer 2022 on.

25.000€: we get a minimum wage for the next months to be able to keep working on the project. We broaden the product range and develop clothes for more needs.
We set up an ad-free online shop.

40.000€: we do research on techwear, experiment with membranes and coatings and the fuse of seams to be able to offer waterproof clothes and accessories for sterile ports. Also we can broaden the range and offer clothes for more needs, for example for kids with wheelchair, with orthesis or with trisomy 21.

it is understood that we manufacture our clothes from ecologically produced materials and that the production is fair and as regional as possible. These ambitions come at a price, especially in combination with smaller quantities. To meet these standards even with coated fabrics we will have higher costs.

In any scenario we donate 5% of the revenue to Sozialhelden e.V., who campaign for inclusion.

In case you are an Angel Investor and you're interested in an Angel ticket of our pre-seed funding round, please contact us directly.

Who are the people behind the project?

„We“ are the three founders Lena Förster, Lina Phyllis Falkner and Jana Walther, all coming from different fields of the clothing business. We met at work for another fashion company and grew together as an inseperable and unbeatable team. As we were all struggling with the working conditions and the destructiveness of our sector, we are delighted to have found a perfect way to use our know-how to create products that are really needed.
When Lenas sister gave birth to a very premature baby she was suddenly confronted with the struggle of finding fitted clothes far from the norm. That made us plan to create a label for premature clothing. But when we plunged deeper into the research we figured out that the whole adaptive market is completely insufficient, and that clothing brands just overlook children with diseases, needing special clothes. Understanding this, we knew immediately that we wanted to do something about it.

The project wouldn‘t have been possible without the essential and passionate support of some other humans.

We want to say thank you to Rawad, Anne, Vincent, Roman, Laura, Daniel, Nora, Anna, Leo, Inge

And a shout-out to everybody supporting our video: Martin, Anne, Nora, Anna, Ada, Mio, Sammy


Legal notice
Förster, Lena; Falkner-Schwesinger, Lina Phyllis und Walther, Jana GbR
Lina Phyllis Falkner
Böcklerstraße. 12
10969 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE350692464
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