Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Travelling songs that spring from a common imagination in different sounds and languages

We would like to invite you to support us with a contribution - small or big - towards the creation of a beautifully designed EP + music video. A total of 6 songs will be recorded, some of which are original compositions. Your money will go directly to the sound engineers and artists we commission for the photo shoot, graphic work and music video. You can choose between different ways of supporting us and through STARTNEXT, we'll keep you informed about the launch and your reward
20.12.23 - 23.03.24
EP release in spring 2024
Website & Social Media
Finanzierungsziel: 4.500 €
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

The trio FAYA is a multi-cultural musical band of three female artists, originally from Germany, Italy and Spain, actually living and working between Lisbon and Berlin. We propose a performance that presents a variety of cultural and linguistic traditions, promoting multiculturalism and cross-cultural exchange. In this meeting of voices, strings and wind, we discover the feminine and the pleasure of mixing our own musical influences with traditions that inspire us, such as Venezuelan polo, Indian carnatic music or Italian Tarantella. Here you can find more infos about FAYA

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

The goal is to create promotional material of our musical collaboration: the recording and release of our first EP - a collection of original compositions and traditional songs in various languages. We are planning to accompany it with an eco-friendly leporello booklet adorned with beautiful illustrations, by artists that inspire us. Furthermore, while we're at it, we want to realize also our first music video , featuring animated visuals for one of our original compositions.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

The costs for professional marketing material like audio recordings and videoclip are quite high, but nonetheless indispensable to ensure the promotion of a band in its initial phase. Moreover, it is a collective effort that requires the working time of various specialized individuals: a sound technician for audio recording and post-production, and a videographer for the set and editing, an illustrator and a photographer for the cover and graphic work. Through supporting us, you will therefore support not only the promotion of our work, but even more freelance artists in other sectors. Your support is making you an integral part of our project, which truly needs a boost to thrive. We share our gratitude through the rewards you can choose, and positive vibes that this world needs very much in this moment!

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

We already have set a plan for the recording of the songs and contacted various artists in order to achieve their financial proposals for the graphic work, the foto shoot and the video production. As soon as the project is funded, we can give the go! and begin to work! We plan to be ready for release in late Spring, working already on an EP release Tour for 2024, in Germany, Portugal and hopefully also Spain. As soon as possible, we'll make sure that all rewards reach our supporters!

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

We are Kristina Van de Sand (violin, voice and percussion, from Germany), Elena La Conte (flute, voice and percussion, from Italy), Mili Vizcaíno (voice, guitar, percussion, Spain). We met a few years ago in Lisbon, but we only started working together in the summer of 2022. Since then, we have played on many stages between Germany and Portugal and each of us has broadened our own horizons through this beautiful sisterhood. We have lived through difficult and funny phases - a great adventure, a dive into an uncertain but hopeful future.

Welche Nachhaltigkeitsziele verfolgt dieses Projekt?

Primäres Nachhaltigkeitsziel


Warum zahlt das Projekt auf dieses Ziel ein?

Our collective is made up exclusively of women artists from Italy, Spain and Germany. We are committed to multiculturality and equality in the cultural sector, from a social and financial point of view, as well as in terms of recognising the creative and cultural contribution of women and LGBTQ+ artists. While being on tour, we compensate CO2 (Atmosfair), use public transport whenever possible, ask for vegetarian and zero waste catering, as well as for accomodation with kitchen

Dieses Projekt zahlt außerdem auf diese Ziele ein

Nachhaltiger Konsum

01.02.24 -

Faya EP & Videoclip
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