Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Unterstützung für die Familien der politischen Gefangenen in Chile

Wir sammeln Spenden für die Familien der politischen Gefangenen in Chile, die im Zuge der sozialen Bewegung im letzten Jahr verhaftet worden sind. Die meisten Gefangenen sind sehr jung, zum Teil minderjährig und stammen aus einkommensarmen Haushalten. Die Spenden werden über eine gemeinnützige Partnerorganisation in Chile verteilt, die "Coordinadora 18 de Octubre".
24.11.20 - 15.12.20
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 500 €

Mit 500 EUR können wir zehn Familien helfen, ihre Angehörigen für den Monat Januar mit Lebensmitteln, Lernmaterialien und Hygieneartikeln auszustatten.

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How we got started

Dr. Lena Ulbricht
Dr. Lena Ulbricht2 min Lesezeit

We have had the wish to support the families of political prisoners in Chile from Berlin for a year. The arrests during the demonstrations had caused the number of political prisoners since 2019 to explode.

Our first activities as the collective "Acciones Berlin" were a photo exhibition with concert and auction, with which we supported voluntary first aid workers in Chile. This was followed by an information event in a cinema to create awareness about the political situation in Chile. Finally, we organized a concert for political prisoners of the indigenous Mapuche in Chile. However, our project to organize a large cultural event for the benefit of the families of the political prisoners had to be postponed indefinitely due to the pandemic.

So we started this campaign just before the end of the year: We gathered information about the situation of the political prisoners and their families, and we informed ourselves about the activities of the numerous non-profit initiatives that provide support. We took pictures for our project video on the deserted Alexanderplatz, wrote texts in 3 languages, selected motifs for the rewards, asked for permission to use them, designed the media campaign - and all this without being able to meet weekly in person, as we used to. This campaign was developed via video conference, chat and sporadic outdoor meetings - while relatives of us were infected with COVID and some of us lost our jobs. We miss each other. But we are glad that this project makes us work together on a daily basis. We hope that with this campaign we will not only provide help, but also get to know new people and initiatives - maybe you? Thank you for your time and write to us if you want to get to know us better.

Un gran saludo! A warm greeting!

The team of Acciones Berlin

Acciones Berlin
Lena Ulbricht
Gustav-Müller-Str. 46
10829 Berlin Deutschland
Feliz Dignidad
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