techno.logisch - Jens Berte
"The young unknown artist ∆ Jens Berte ∆
He loved to play Techno and is such a good selecta! and he always looking to keep his style in a hybrid way!
Also he start´s already his own project "Technø.Logisch" that includes a Event agency and also some Promo stuff like nice Shirt´s and Top´s. We are happy that signed in and hope U enjoy his beautiful Mix.
Keep a eye on this young and unknown Artist." KNTXT Podcast
Uns fehlen immer noch 440 € und wir haben nur noch 16 Tage Zeit! Helft uns unser Ziel von 800 € zu erreichen und unterstützt uns! Es warten tolle Prämien auf euch. Lasst uns zusammen das 1. FestivalFürFreunde auf die Beine stellen!