Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Doing Nothing All Day

FREISTUNDE ist ein partizipativer Dokumentarfilm über demokratische Schulen und selbstbestimmtes Lernen. Eine junge Mutter sucht nach der idealen Schule für ihren Sohn und entdeckt eine Tradition, die bis ins 19. Jhdt. reicht. Als künstlerisches und filmisches Mittel ist das Experimentalfilm-Projekt "Demokratie auf Super8" mit Clips von über neunzig Menschen integriert. Demokratie und Partizipation auf allen Ebenen des Lebens & Lernens inspirieren über diesen Film hinaus den Bildungsdiskurs.
18.11.15 - 25.01.16
Winter 2015 - Sommer 2016
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
15.000 €
Film / Video
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DOING NOTHING ALL DAY among the top 10 best films in Leeds

Margarete Hentze
Margarete Hentze2 min Lesezeit

It’s time to get started. Full of energy, we are now taking the project into the funding phase.

Two weeks ago the documentary celebrated an amazing world premiere at the International Film Festival in Leeds, England.
And just now we found out that DOING NOTHING ALL DAY was one of the top ten audience choices from a total of 131 films! We are very delighted with these encouraging results.

And this success has made us even more excited about the launch of this campaign to publish the film.

We are always hearing about amazing documentaries that disappear onto shelves due to a lack of funding and energy We don’t want this to happen with DOING NOTHING ALL DAY!

Therefore, our team got together once again and came up with a whole list of wonderful rewards for contributions. These will be sent out to our supporters as soon as we’ve reached the funding threshold.

The team of democraticArts will also be taking part in a campaign at the Munich students’ congress besser::15.

Please help us spread the word so that as many people as possible can find out about our project.

You can share it on Facebook or per email, speak with friends and register on Startnext to become an official “fan”.
We also hope you will join us in celebrating the German premiere in Munich in early 2016.

Margarete Hentze
Margarete Hentze
c/o PLATFORM München Kistlerhofstr.70 Haus 60
81379 München Deutschland

UST-IdNr. DE276702792

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