Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Fettnäpfchen vermeiden. Nie wieder unbewusst jemandem beleidigen. Gestik besser verstehen.

Ziel dieser Kampagne ist es, die Programmierung der Gestunary App zu realisieren. Gestunary wird das erste online Wörterbuch für Gestik sein, dass dort eingesetzt wird, wo es gebraucht wird: auf Reisen. Wenn dieses Crowdfunding ein Erfolg wird, soll die App vor Ende des Jahres als sogenanntes Mimimum Viable Product (MVP) zur Verfügung stehen, d.h. ein Teilsatz des künftigen Produktes.
22.09.15 - 16.10.15
November 2015
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
4.300 €
Widget einbinden

It's high time for Dankeschöns & Rewards!

Hanneke Riedijk
Hanneke Riedijk2 min Lesezeit

Dear all,

Yes! Gestunary is almost done - as for the first version. I am already thinking of the next steps and of the new gestures that should be added during the beginning of 2016 and this implies that my library of gestunary books kind of doubles every week now ;-)

But... let me first inform you of some important stuff: your Rewards & Dankeschöns. Most of the the items you ordered are now ready or soon to be ready. I will use the coming weeks so that each and every one of you who receives a reward will have it as soon as possible. It will still be a bit of a puzzle to find out how to get some of those items to you guys, since you are widespread over 10 countries (which is great!).

As for the first version of Gestunary, this will be in iOS only by the way. I am very sorry for android fans among you, but this was a financial decision most of all. Given the fact that I am already working on version 0.2, you will be included in this journey as soon as the beginning of 2016, too! I kindly request you to be patient a bit longer.

Well, so far so good now.

Did you know that the app testing is already on its way? I could still use some iPhone and/or iPad users to click through the screens as a first reality check. Expected testing time: beginning of December. Please let me know if you can join us.

Have a good end-of-year party season and some lovely Advent weekends to begin with!

Best, Hanneke

Hanneke Riedijk
Hasenheide 58
10967 Berlin Germany
Das erste persönliche Gestikwörterbuch Gestunary
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