Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

100 % Biologisch. Regional. Plastikfrei. Vegan.

Grüneo bietet die erste DIY-Garten-Box fürs Fensterbrett an, deren Materialien zu 100 % ökologisch sind. Sie enthält das notwendige Wissen um eigene Kräuter, sowie Gemüse in deiner Wohnung anzubauen - von der Aussaat bis zur Ernte! Unsere Box ist perfekt für all diejenigen, die neben dem Ernten frischer Lebensmittel auch die Prinzipien des Gärtnerns kennenlernen möchten. Vielleicht erschließt sich dadurch auch dir ein neuer Weg, nachhaltiger zu leben. Bist du dabei?
25.02.20 - 11.04.20
April-Mai 2020
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 7.000 €

Bei Erreichen des ersten Finanzierungsziels, werden wir unsere ersten Boxen produzieren und unseren Online-Shop eröffnen.

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Grüneo Update!

Alicia Ferrer
Alicia Ferrer2 min Lesezeit

Dear Grüneos,

First of all, thank you all for your support in our crowdfunding campaign! You made it happen, with any way you supported us (buying boxes, free-support, ordering a print...) You helped us germinate the project to allow Grüneo to boost green growth for the journey to come.
In total, we managed to fund our project by 11.546€, 160% more than our funding goal! 191 people supported us from 10 different countries! As for products, we sold 315 Grüneo boxes in total. Our Veggie box was the favorite of the supporters, but 46 people decided to get both the Herb & the Veggie box. And with the Business M-package, we sold 150 boxes for B2B, we hope your clients & corporate partners will also enjoy the green growth!

What's coming next?
Since the closure of the campaign, we have been planning our next steps in this new scenario. We are both very grateful that even with the 360º routine changes due to Coronavirus, we managed to keep up with the good rhythm of the campaign & people still believed in us. But we have also been affected in a way, as our production center is closed for security reasons & we are having some delays with suppliers. We have been waiting patiently while planning the operations & logistics, & we can say we are doing all in our hands to start producing the boxes for you very soon.
We are planning to start the production by mid-May &, consequently, deliver the boxes to you by early June. As soon as we have more updates, we will inform you about the new timings. We are very excited to start producing our boxes soon & delivering them to you. 

We encourage you to join our Grüneo community in Social Media, where we always post about indoor gardening inspiration (Instagram & Facebook: @gruneobox). Also, if you want to be updated with all news about Grüneo, go & subscribe to our Newsletter here:
We wish you a lot of health & positive energy!

Green regards
Lena & Alicia

Alicia Ferrer
Holzmarktstrasse, 62
10179 Berlin Deutschland
GRÜNEO - Gärtnern auf der Fensterbank, einfach & nachhaltig
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