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"I gained confidence when I decided that having fun was far more important than my fear of making a fool of myself." (Rupi Kaur)
Communication in Crowdfunding has 2 faces. One is the strategic plan and the other one is having fun.
For the plan, read this chapter and then have fun implementing the plan.
In the following video, successful starters tell you how they approached it:
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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam dictum felis eu pede. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam dictum felis eu pede.
Rest ist Antwort
In order for you and your multipliers to spread the idea of your Startnext project, it is important that there is a message that fits into one sentence.
Try it out and tell somebody directly about the idea and ask to communicate the message back to you afterwards. This will show you if the idea is clear.
For moments when your head gets stuck looking for the smart message, the Sloganizer can bring you some fun and ease.
Take the time you need until the message can be formulated and shared by an external person.
A personal message is the best way to convince your fans to become supporters. So make some calls, use WhatsApp and write emails!
Now that you can clearly communicate the message and before you start the funding phase, capture all your existing contacts and networks that you can reach out to and make a communication plan for the whole funding phase.
This plan will include at least the following 4 pieces of information:
Spread your content throughout the funding period and dare to continuously involve your existing network.
All family members and close friends, i.e. the close network, get a personal message via email or messenger at the start, in the middle and at the end how things are going with the call to support and motivate others.
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Be bold and elect only few communication channels but use them intensively and creatively.
Possible communication channels are:
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Take your network on the journey of your crowdfunding experience, allow a behind-the-scenes look and motivate them to support you and become your multipliers.
Put the message of your project in the center, so that the idea can be told further.
Use the key visual, which you also use on Startnext as the title image, for recognition and to convey emotions.
Set a clear call to action:
In german language every two weeks.