Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Jedes Jahr formt sich eine neue Gruppe Berliner aus verschiedensten Herkunftsländern und Altersgruppen und entwickelt eine eigene Theaterproduktion miteinander. Diese Kampagne dient zur Förderung unserer diesjährigen Produktion vom 19.-21. Juni. 20 Theaterbegeisterte aus 11 Ländern von 5 Kontinenten werden eine sehr persönliche & gleichzeitig uns alle angehende Performance aufführen. Der Film ist ein Making-of unserer letztjährigen Performance.
22.04.15 - 24.05.15
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
4.000 €
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Make your reservations please

Inka Palm
Inka Palm2 min Lesezeit

Dear fans and supporters,
thanks to you we are in a very relaxed and happy mood in our preparations for the show.
On Friday we will finally move into the theatre where we shall rehearse day and night to get the final show done.
It is always such an interesting and exciting time! Our costume designer is singing all day because she finally does not have to frequent every 1 € shop in town to get her things together but can really see what she needs.
We are so happy to ask people to work for us and actually tell them that they would get paid :-)

Here you can see the strange direction our play has taken - our constant engagement with topics such as capitalism, gender, fairness, society etc has brought us to a very weird but interesting form of a game show where people can win a life on the "OTHER SIDE".
But what does this OTHER SIDE mean - that is of course different for every one.
What would it mean for you? What are you dreaming of? What would you like to escape from in your reality?
And then - maybe even more important: what happens if you actually reach it and get what you want?

Well, if you wanna know, come and see our show.
Here you can get tickets:
[email protected]
the dates are 19, 20 & 21st of June
at F40 Studio, Fidicinstr. 40, 10965 Berlin

be fast - tickets are already selling.

Looking forward to seeing you at our show!
warm and sunny greetings
Inka & the IPTB Team

International People's Theatre Berlin
Inka-Charlotte Palm
Mittenwalder Str. 7
10961 Berlin Germany

Steuernr. 14/465/63240
Vertretungsberechtigte Person: Minna Partanen

International People's Theatre Berlin 2015: High On Society
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