Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Jedes Jahr formt sich eine neue Gruppe Berliner aus verschiedensten Herkunftsländern und Altersgruppen und entwickelt eine eigene Theaterproduktion miteinander. Diese Kampagne dient zur Förderung unserer diesjährigen Produktion vom 19.-21. Juni. 20 Theaterbegeisterte aus 11 Ländern von 5 Kontinenten werden eine sehr persönliche & gleichzeitig uns alle angehende Performance aufführen. Der Film ist ein Making-of unserer letztjährigen Performance.
22.04.15 - 24.05.15
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
4.000 €
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thank you so much - have a look at our new video!!!

Inka Palm
Inka Palm2 min Lesezeit

Dearest fans and supporters,

first of all: thank you so much for your numerous contributions that are coming in one by one - little by little and large by large. It is such a wonderful confirmation that what we do matters!
Have you already seen the new video that we finally managed to make? We are really proud of it, since none of us is a video expert - but our incredible assistant Jo simply worked herself into the editing program and came up with a wonderful insight into our group members, what we do and the enthusiasm everybody is putting into the whole process.

For our group it is an interesting opportunity to actually really go around and tell people about our passion for what we are doing here together.
Of course it is quite challenging for most of us, asking our friends and family for MONEY! Most of us have been brought up learning that his is shameful. You simply "don'T do that!"

Even more so it means so much to us, that you actually respond to it in this way, as if saying: GO ON! YES! WE BELIEVE IN YOU!

With some of you I could say thank you in person, some I could write an email to and to some, I cannot get this system here to reach you personally. So I say it here in this way.

Over the past two weeks of rehearsing we had a drama instructor from India accompanying us and showing us a bit of how he works over in Delhi. It was so nice to see how in PLAYING we are all alike all over the world.
He told his people about our project and in one day our Facebook friends for International People's Theatre have gone up like a rocket. Everybody seems to be happy to connect across the million of miles :-)
Who knows, maybe next year we can actually try to visit one of the countries our participants are from and collaborate with a project abroad....
Meanwhile we are planning a party at one of the hot spot party locations here in Berlin on May 20th to introduce our cast and project some more. If you are interested in coming, look for more information on our facebook page:

International People's Theatre Berlin
Inka-Charlotte Palm
Mittenwalder Str. 7
10961 Berlin Germany

Steuernr. 14/465/63240
Vertretungsberechtigte Person: Minna Partanen

International People's Theatre Berlin 2015: High On Society
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