Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Jedes Jahr formt sich eine neue Gruppe Berliner aus verschiedensten Herkunftsländern und Altersgruppen und entwickelt eine eigene Theaterproduktion miteinander. Diese Kampagne dient zur Förderung unserer diesjährigen Produktion vom 19.-21. Juni. 20 Theaterbegeisterte aus 11 Ländern von 5 Kontinenten werden eine sehr persönliche & gleichzeitig uns alle angehende Performance aufführen. Der Film ist ein Making-of unserer letztjährigen Performance.
22.04.15 - 24.05.15
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
4.000 €
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Inka Palm
Inka Palm3 min Lesezeit

Dearest people,

thank you!
Thank you from our heart for your support. Together you raised 4.138€. Together you helped to make our next phase of our project possible!
We are so gratefula and so excited. The whole process of getting the funds together for our performance were already such a connecting and exciting phase for our whole group. To talk about the project from our hearts - tell our friends and family what it means to us and then bring up the topic of MONEY!
Being all over facebook and co and ask for MONEY!
That was an interesting task and a good exercise to stand up for what we do. And it brought us even closer together.
And now - with your generosity, your openness to support the arts and the international social and creative life in Berlin - we are ready to go.

Our costume and set designer Cecile, who managed to do the same job last year with almost no money at all - is thrilled beyond words that she can now follow up on her visions with a little less stress and more material to play with.

It is such a pleasure to work with young artists from all over the world to offer their creative energy to our project - and it is even more pleasure to give them back a little bit for what they give to us so generously.

And last but not least it is incredible to be able to focus fully on these end rehearsals and do the best we can to provide you once again with an incredible conglomeration of ideas and talents and energies from all the diverse wonderful people in our group.

Thank you for playing such a big part of making this possible.

We have not gotten your contact informations from startnext yet - this is the reason we have not said thank you to you personally yet. Once the financial issues are cleared and they made sure that we really pursue with our show - they will open your email adresses etc to us and we will be in contact with you about your perks.

Hey, and if you have a chance to come to Berlin in June or already are here: come to our performances on 19th, 20th and/or 21st of June.
You will find more info about it on our website: and more places, we shall keep you informed.
For now I will go with a big smile on my face and a warm feeling in my body of joy and relief and gratitude.

and once again:


with love and appreciation
Inka & the International People's Theatre Berlin Team

International People's Theatre Berlin
Inka-Charlotte Palm
Mittenwalder Str. 7
10961 Berlin Germany

Steuernr. 14/465/63240
Vertretungsberechtigte Person: Minna Partanen

International People's Theatre Berlin 2015: High On Society
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