Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Eine Abo-Box für die Miete von Umstands- und Stilllmode.

Mit den Veränderungen unseres Körpers während der Schwangerschaft müssen sich auch unsere Kleiderschränke anpassen. Verabschiede dich von der lästigen Aufgabe, Kleidung zu kaufen, die du nur für kurze Zeit tragen wirst. Infini bietet eine nachhaltige und flexible Lösung - eine Abo-Box für die Miete von Umstandmode. Genieße die Freiheit eines wandelbaren Kleiderschranks und reduziere gleichzeitig den Kleidungsabfall. Jetzt Infini unterstützen und werde Teil der #RentalRevolution!
01.06.23 - 18.08.23
1-2 Monate nach Ende
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 1.300 €

Mit dem Erreichen des Ziels können wir fair produzierte Kleidung kaufen und unser Verleihgeschäft starten. Gemeinsam für nachhaltige Mode!

Widget einbinden
Primäres Nachhaltigkeitsziel
Nachhaltiger Konsum

Mission accomplished!

Iasmin da Costa
Iasmin da Costa2 min Lesezeit

That is it, on Sunday afternoon we reached our first and most important target!
Thank you all very much!

By reaching the first target, we can start our rental business in a slow and sustainable way: just like how we want the fashion world to be :)

The crowdfunding will be running for another three days, so contributions are still very much welcomed to help us start the business even stronger!
If you were still considering getting some postcards or candles, now is your chance!
Also, if you just found out about a new mom-to-be, we would love a little shout-out :)

Here are some other accomplishments we have made in the past weeks:
- Successfully had our information published on the Handelsregister (sorry, no idea how to translate that, but it makes us very official!)
- Infini is also a registered company with seat in Berlin, Neukölln, where our office and Janae's official desk are (in other words, we did our Gewerbeanmeldung as well).

Now the last thing pending is our VAT number, which should be sorted this week.
It is nice to make progress and - I have to admit - making progress while filling forms and talking to everyone in German is somehow even more rewarding!

Wish you all a great week and once again, thank you for your continued support!

Infini Bx
Iasmin da Costa
Volkmarstraße 1-7
12099 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: n/a

28.07.23 - Hi everyone! Thank you for your dear support...

Hi everyone! Thank you for your dear support so far!
We have not reached our goal of €5000, however, with the amount already raised, we are able to start our business. Naturally, we will start in a smaller scale than planned, but we believe this can be for the best.

Rental is a new model for many people: by starting small, we can guarantee a more customized and full-proof experience for everyone.

If you would like to help us reach our new target, don't forget to share our page :)
Many thanks!

30.06.23 - Thank you for your kind words, financial and...

Thank you for your kind words, financial and emotional support to our campaign so far. You are awesome!

We are making progress towards our goal! But we still need your continued support. Please keep sharing about our campaign or liking our posts on Linkedin and Instagram.
Every interaction in form of likes or shares really helps us!
We are postponing the end of our campaign because on the 19th of July we will be at the Munich Start-Up Festival. More info on that coming very soon!

26.06.23 - Danke für Eure Unterstützung! Please help us...

Danke für Eure Unterstützung!

Please help us spread the word about Infini and help mom‘s-to-be easily access a sustainable wardrobe for their pregnancy and early breastfeeding months.

Every mention of Infini helps bring us closer to our goal!

Many thanks!

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