Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Support Prithi Nivas Kaur with her debut album of Kundalini Yoga Mantras and receive one of the first recordings. May the blessings you give multiply!

Many months of diving into creation are completing. A time full of joy and learning to bring out the innermost. "Inner Sanctuary" is a heartpiece of mine with mantras rooted in the tradition of Kundalini Yoga. Thanks to the support of wonderful musicians and friends, the recordings are now finished. I am looking forward to release the album in December 2020. With your contribution it can become reality now! Let's bring some magic into the dark time of the year!
13.11.20 - 31.12.20
until end of December 2020
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 7.500 €

The funds cover the costs for the whole production.
Recording, mixing, mastering, photoshooting and video production.

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Alicia Kreutzmann
Alicia Kreutzmann1 min Lesezeit

My heart sings of gratitude for all of you amazing supporters!
Gratitude for your open hearts to hear and act- to contribute, support and receive...
We are weaving together a world based on the principle of giving and abondancy- thank you so much for participating!

The finalizing of the Campaign and the printing of the Cds is in the making and iam grateful to tell you that you will receive the music end of the month.
The official release date is the 22.1.2020.
Here i send you the link to my music video for the mantra "Dharti Hai", the link for my Soundcloud where you will find some Snippets of the album.

And again- your Support made this dream of mine possible...
May all the support come back to you in thousand ways
and may you as well have the courage to ask for what you truly need.
Blessings, Prithi Nivas Kaur

P.S If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and aswell to all the Supporters who ordered a digital album iam happy to hear from you if you would like to receive it via post or email!


15.01.21 - Dear ones, There is a delay at the printer....

Dear ones,
There is a delay at the printer.
Therefore, I will probably not be able to receive the cds until January 26 and ship them on the 27th.
So I have postponed the release to 2.2.2021 and hope you will receive the cds before that date.
Heartfelt greetings to all of you wonderful supporters and I look forward to packaging the cds for you soon!

Inner Sanctuary - Album Release
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