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PRE-ORDER THE SPLIT VINYL NOW! Helft uns, die zwei ausufernden psychedelischen Sessions auf eine einzigartige Vinyl-Edition zu pressen!

2 Bands, 2 ausufernde Jams und mit eurer Hilfe eine wunderschöne Vinyl-Version ... Unternehmt eine tiefe Reise in die musikalischen Weiten mit uns ... Erfahrt, warum wir einen besonderen Vinyl-Release dieses seltsamen Trips pressen wollen ... Saugt es ein und verliert euch ... Mehr Infos unten.
21.04.17 - 30.06.17
Herbst 2017
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
2.420 €
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Status of the "Interstellar Smoke" EP

Veit Incandenza
Veit Incandenza1 min Lesezeit

Hello friends and supporters!

It's been a long time since our last status update, so even though the vinyl unfortunately won't be in your mail as a christmas present (we all hoped for that), we'd like to share some news with you guys before the holidays:

First of all: The release WILL happen. As some of you might have heard, the test pressings finally arrived! After a long period of endless mail transfer with Startnext as well as with the pressing plant, we'll be ready to confirm the quality of the vinyls in the upcoming days and line in for the production queue.

Unfortunately, even after the christmas rush the pressing plant is booked out for quite some time. So right now, due time for shipping is Mid May with even further delays to be expected...

So yeah, in the end the whole process will probably take about a year... All we can do right now is thank you for your support once again, wish you a fuzzy christmas and promise to be in touch again as soon as we got some new information to share!

hush - peace - love
Mount Hush & Deaf Proof

Mount Hush
Veit Oberrauch
Adlzreiterstraße 14, RG, 3. OG
80337 München Deutschland

Selbständiger Komponist, Produzent, Tontechniker, Veranstalter

Steuernummer: 161/256/22074
Steuer Ident.: 95 417 692 307

Mount Hush / Deaf Proof - Interstellar Smoke Vinyl
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