Donated Tickets
You where wondering why we have a donated ticket for I, Scientist as a reward and who will get the ticket if you choose it? After we started the registration for our conference we where asked by some people if we can give a financial support for attending the conference, because they cannot afford all: the travel costs, the hotel stay in Berlin and the conference ticket. Unfortunately until now we don't have the capacity to give this kind of financial support.
But, because we want to have an inclusive conference, and we want to make it possible for everyone to attend, we started with two ideas:
- First, we are trying to organize private accommodation for people who are traveling to Berlin and cannot afford a hotel stay for three nights. This is also a nice opportunity for our participants to get connected among each other.
- Second we want to get funding for a pool of free conference tickets via this Crowdfunding Campaign. If we are successful we will start a simple application process for all our already registered participants and for people who want to register and did not have the possibility until now.
So if you want to support a young scientist to come to our conference and discuss about gender equality, career, diversity and networking - support I, Scientist and donate for a ticket!