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The conference on gender, career paths and networking

Frauen + Naturwissenschaften = außergewöhnlich!? Hast du das Gefühl, mit dieser Gleichung stimmt etwas nicht? Fragst du dich, warum dir außer Marie Curie kaum eine berühmte Wissenschaftlerin einfällt? … Frauen in den Naturwissenschaften immer noch auf Unverständnis stoßen? … Männer sich für ihre Elternzeit rechtfertigen müssen? Wir wollen über diese Fragen öffentlich reden. Und zwar nicht über, sondern mit der nächsten Generation. Sei dabei und werde Teil von I, Scientist 2017!
01.03.17 - 30.03.17
12. - 14. Mai 2017
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
6.000 €
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How can I detect gender-based obstacles?

Katrin Reininger
Katrin Reininger2 min Lesezeit

If you ask yourself this question have a look at our specialist talk by Prof. Dr. Melanie Steffens who is professor for Social and Work Psychology at the University of Koblenz-Landau.
In her talk “How do gender stereotypes affect women’s STEM careers?” she will analyze why an excellent education does not lead directly to an excellent career for many women. While many women receive an equally good education as men, such equality is nowhere in sight when it comes to women’s and men’s career success: men still earn significantly more than women, they are more likely to be promoted, and women are underrepresented in many traditionally-male fields such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

The talk offers a state of the art review of applied social-psychological research on “gender at work”, shedding light on all the different ways that work-related perceptions, attributions, and outcomes differ for women and men. Focusing on domains (e.g., engineering) and positions (e.g., leadership) that are marked by women’s under-representation, the talk looks at "gender at work" in terms of own and others’ stereotypes, attitudes, and social roles including parenthood.
Whereas gender stereotypes appear to be a thing of the past to some people, research shows that they actually affect people in many ways, both in choosing their own actions and in evaluating and interpreting others behavior. Studies will be introduced that demonstrate how in particular implicit stereotypes affect spontaneous, automatic, and habitual behavior.
In the end, it is discussed what individual women can do to avoid the hurdles that stereotypes and social roles put in their way towards successful careers.
Don't miss to get an introduction to this important and fascinating topic!

Lise-Meitner-Gesellschaft e.V.
Margaretenstr. 29
10317 Berlin Deutschland

Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter der Registernummer VR 35000 B.
Steuernummer: 27/671/56966

Vorstand: Dr. Ulrike Böhm, Andrea Bossmann, Franziska Flegel, Maja-Olivia Lenz, Mara Oßwald, Katrin Reininger

24.03.17 - For the last week of our campaign we are...

For the last week of our campaign we are happy to offer a new special reward: posters from the beautiful "Beyond Curie" project!
The "Beyond Curie" design projects aims to highlight badass women in science, technology, engineering + mathematics. Have a look at their work here:
And don't miss the opportunity to get one of the 40-limited posters here and support our project as well as theirs!

20.03.17 - For the last third of our crowdfunding...

For the last third of our crowdfunding campaign we decided to offer the lab tours and research presentations for a cheaper price. We want to give you the opportunity to meet some of us in person and to learn something exciting about science from up-to-date research projects. Since we can't chance the price of Maja's tour anymore (which is definitely worth the 300€!) we offer that everyone who books her tour, can get an additional reward - either a second lab tour or two extra donated tickets.

08.03.17 - On the occasion of the International Women's...

On the occasion of the International Women's Day we will start an action for 24 hours within our crowdfunding campaign:
For every ticket someone donates here today for someone else, we will give an additional free place for the conference on top of it.
Donate your ticket today and make it possible for two persons to attend the conference, find new role models and discuss about gender-based barriers!
Join us and be part of I, Scientist!

I, Scientist
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