Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Das Ziel: THE ISLAND HIDEOUT. Wir schaffen ein ökologisch nachhaltiges und ruhiges Resort auf der paradiesischen Insel Koh Yao Noi in Thailand. Hier habt ihr die Chance mal richtig abzuschalten, zu entspannen, eure Batterien wieder aufzuladen und das echte Südthailand zu erleben. Wir haben ein ganzheitliches Konzept zur Stressprävention und Stressmanagement entwickelt. Gleichzeitig schätzen wir Natur und Kultur der Insel und binden die lokale Bevölkerung aktiv ein.
04.06.15 - 06.09.15
10 Monate
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
35.000 €
Social Business
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Massive Thanks and Construction Update

Anita Ritter
Anita Ritter2 min Lesezeit

Welcome to the first update from The Island Hideout campaign!

First, we'd like to offer apologies for the delay in updates, but we've been very busy getting the project underway and putting your incredible funding support to good use! Things were a bit slow to start due to monsoon rains and the irregular burning-season haze blanketing Southeast Asia, but we're now making some excellent headway and thought it was an ideal time to share a report with our most important partners: You!

Our hard-working construction team -- a mix of skilled Koh Yao island tradesmen and their diligent Burmese support crew -- already have the foundations in place for the key structures at the resort. The kitchen and main hall are quickly taking shape with sustainable local materials, and the guest rooms are well underway. Primary water systems are proceeding as planned, as are electric and responsible waste management systems. Our team even went above and beyond (in the face of weather that would shut down most western construction projects) to break ground on The Island Hideout's stylish swimming pool centerpiece!

Stay tuned to this space for more exciting updates from the build. Most importantly, we plan to showcase the people involved, as they're the key ingredients in making this project such a special one -- our island friends, mentors, elders and children that have truly become family to us, as we unite to make this beautiful dream a reality for all of The Island Hideout guests to come!

Anita, Yad, Bay and Jan

One Level Ahead Ltd.
Jan Hermann
Schillingsrotter Str. 56
50996 Köln Deutschland

Handelsregister beim Amtsgericht Köln, HRB 76117

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE285256299

05.06.15 - Lieber Unterstützer, bis dato ist die...

Lieber Unterstützer, bis dato ist die Plattform nicht für Smartphones und Tablets optimiert. Rufe daher diese Seite am besten mit deinem PC oder Mac auf, damit du auch alle Dankeschöns sehen kannst. Das Startnext Team arbeitet derzeit an einer Lösung ... Danke, THE ISLAND HIDEOUT

The Island Hideout - ein StressRelief & LifeBalance Retreat
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