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Das Ziel: THE ISLAND HIDEOUT. Wir schaffen ein ökologisch nachhaltiges und ruhiges Resort auf der paradiesischen Insel Koh Yao Noi in Thailand. Hier habt ihr die Chance mal richtig abzuschalten, zu entspannen, eure Batterien wieder aufzuladen und das echte Südthailand zu erleben. Wir haben ein ganzheitliches Konzept zur Stressprävention und Stressmanagement entwickelt. Gleichzeitig schätzen wir Natur und Kultur der Insel und binden die lokale Bevölkerung aktiv ein.
04.06.15 - 06.09.15
10 Monate
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Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
35.000 €
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Simple Thai Dipping Sauce - perfect for the hot weather and BBQ season

Anita Ritter
Anita Ritter2 min Lesezeit

We'd love to share a very easy and addictive Thai dipping sauce recipe with you. It is excellent with fish, oysters, seafood or grilled meats.

Perfect for today's hot weather and your BBQ.

"Nam Chim" is Thai for Dipping Sauce. These kind of dipping sauces are good for beginners, as you will learn about the flavor balance of Thai cuisine. Just play with the main ingredients to adjust the taste to your liking.

So, now let's get started ...



  • 4 gloves garlic (peeled)
  • 3-9 red Thai chilis
  • 2 coriander roots, peeled and chopped (if you can't find any, use coriander stems or just leave them out)
  • 1 tsp. - 1tbsp. palm sugar (substitute: brown sugar or cane sugar, but take less)
  • 4 tbsp. fish sauce (substitute: same amount of soy sauce, or some salt. Fish sauce itself has a very strong smell, but very addictive once combined with other ingredients)
  • 4 tbsp. fresh lime juice
  • 2 coriander greens, chopped

1. Pound garlic, chilies and coriander roots in a stone mortar and pestle.
2. Add palm sugar and pound to a uniform paste.
3. Add fish sauce and lime juice, and mix well with a spoon.
4. Add some boiling water if you need more sauce and mix again.
5. Add coriander greens and serve immediately.

The sauce should taste hot, a little bit sweet, sour and salty.

If you don't have a mortar handy, you can use a food processor. BUT, the taste is way better when you pound the ingredients in the traditional mortar.

Enjoy your Nam Chim Seafood!!!

One Level Ahead Ltd.
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The Island Hideout - ein StressRelief & LifeBalance Retreat
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