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Extremsportler Jonas Deichmann & der wohl spektakulärste Triathlon um die Welt. Helft uns dabei den einzigartigen Weltrekord in die Kinos zu bringen.

Begleite uns auf ein Abenteuer ins Ungewisse – auf einen Triathlon um die Welt. Für den mehrfachen Weltrekordhalter Jonas Deichmann ist die 120-fache Ironman-Distanz vor allem Kopfsache. Er zeigt uns, dass ein starker Wille keine Grenzen kennt - mit minimalsten CO2-Ausstoß. Für uns ist Jonas' Reise eine Inspiration – die Welt zu erkunden und sie zu bewahren. Wir brauchen euch, um diese besondere Dokumentation in die Kinos zu bringen.
15.02.21 - 19.03.21
Oktober 2020 - März 2022
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 25.000 €

Mit 25.000 EUR produzieren wir euch eine inspirierende & mitreißende Dokumentation und können den Film auf ausgewählte Festivals bringen.

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Songwriter Dan Riley writes songs inspired by Jonas adventure

Uwe Nadler
Uwe Nadler2 min Lesezeit

Dan Riley, 37, English born, Irish rooted Singer-Songwriter living in Dresden. Writes songs which are reflections upon everything felt on this journey we call living.

Inspired by Jonas Deichmann's adventures, Dan sat down and wrote several songs.
Impressed by the incredible feat Jonas accomplished while swimming, the song Long Way Out was written. More followed or are in the works. Dan says, "Writing is a process and Jonas impresses me every day."
Currently he has presented us five songs written and composed by himself, with names like: "SOS"; "Stranded"; "Off We Go" or "Altitude."
In the end Dan writes a whole album about Jonas his adventure journey.The title track "Long Way Out" is symbolic of his whole journey, whether swimming in the waves of the Mediterranean, cycling through cold Siberia or running through the vastness of the USA.

You can already buy the album here at the crowdfunding, together with the film.

Long Way Out

Long way out
You’re dead if you swim for shore
Just have to lock it down
No time to be drifting aimlessly around
Wave after wave
Make no mistake
You’re in now so deep there’s no choice left to

Make your stand
Straight like that long light wind
Those calluses on your back
Reminding of days and nights, salt on the skin
it’s no holiday
This voluntary race
But something in the bones that’s pulling you this way

And it’s certainly worth fighting for
Quite possibly worth dying for
To shape the risks we take

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Uwe Nadler
Heinrich-Cotta-Str. 5
01324 Dresden Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE222660458
Jonas Deichmann - Triathlon Around the World
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