dear you
you are a very important person.
you’re a striking work of art, a morsel of eternity,
& for you, the knüppel has
a soft spot.
our future, unfortunately, remains hypothetical.
here, in the chameleonic present,
a question poses before us:
how do we want to live?
how many people set off for the mirage of security? how many applauded their decision? make money, then be free—the logic may seem sound, but it’s an experiment with insanity. how can we find the lost path overgrown by time? and when? maybe only when it’s too late.
we’re sure you know the dilemma.
it’s an essential stop on the heroine’s journey, and you are a heroine, one among many centers of the universe.
revive the stifled dreams lying on your path. act from the heart, not external necessity. proceed from the inner impulse. life on the hamster wheel is a vicious circle, an unending crisis. but, as you probably know, there’s always a in the wall. so come, crawl through.
join our diorama of life in the wild. help us provide a space where anyone can follow artistic impulses and preserve their inner child. we want to be a clinic for expiring dreams,
a home for misfit toys.
and now the crux:
for two years, we’ve been unapologetically sailing on dreams. our hull threatened to scrape against the gnarly reef. but many people recognized our concerns beyond club operations and supported our crowdfunding campaign with over € 65,000. your help has put so much wind in our sails. now we must sail far away from shipwreck.
the campaign ends on the 21st of february.
money troubles are not the end
of the world, but they may be the end of ours.
only a couple little weeks remain.
please donate, or donate again. take a knüppel to your childhood piggy-bank!
your jonny