Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

I need your help to make this album happen! If we achieve the funding goal, I will release the album both digitally and on vinyl by September 2023!

Hey guys, I'm Joshua! You may have stumbled across my songs “DIMENSIONS” and “SUPERHIGHWAY” on Instagram or TikTok. I have an entire album in this style ready to be released, but I need your support for the final steps that need to be taken. Due to popular demand, I'd like to release the album on VINYL, but that's only possible with your help! For your support, you will get some nice rewards, check them out below ⬇
04.02.23 - 20.04.23
until September 2023
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 3.550 €

The money will be used to cover the costs for producing and shipping the physical records, as well as mastering.

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WE (you) DID IT!

Joshua Milo
Joshua Milo1 min Lesezeit

Hello everyone,

I can't believe that I am writing this, but we have reached our crowdfunding goal and even surpassed it by 5%! 🥳 Thank you all so much for your support! Whether you are family members, friends, or complete strangers, your contributions made a huge difference in helping this project become a reality.

I want to give a special shoutout to Florian Höllwerth for being the top patron and donating an incredible 1,000€ euros! Your generosity is truly mind-blowing!

For those of you who bought rewards or supported me using the free support, your digital rewards will be sent out as soon as Startnext successfully processes the payments and updates the list of supporters, which will be by May 12th at the latest. Thank you for your patience!

As for the vinyls, I have initiated all the necessary steps for the pressing plant to start producing the test pressing. I will keep you updated via email and social media about the exact date when the LP's will be finished and the album will be released.

Once again, thank you so much for your help and support! You will definitely hear from me!

Best regards,

Joshua Milo

Joshua Milo Live Album
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