Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
KANCHA steht für Design, Qualität und Verantwortung. Wir ersetzen dein altes Schlabberportemonnaie mit einem durchdachten und flachen KANCHA Wallet für urbane Nomaden! Letztes Jahr sind wir mit Gadget Sleeves gestartet, jetzt geht's in die nächste Runde. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Arbeit steht der Mensch: für dich haben wir ein feines, nützliches Alltagsprodukt designt; und in unserem Produktionsland Kirgistan tun wir alles, um unseren HandwerkerInnen einen anständigen Arbeitsplatz zu sichern.
21.08.14 - 14.09.14
Sep-Okt 2014
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
3.000 €
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Most wallets on the way

Tobias Gerhard
Tobias Gerhard2 min Lesezeit

The majority of the crowd funded wallets are now on the way to you. Here we explain why the production took a little longer than expected and why we could not send out all of them at this point.

Spurred by the successful launch of KANCHA last summer, we felt like old stagers and thought that our second crowdfunding campaign would also run like clockwork. Indeed, we even considerably surpassed our funding target! But we did underestimate the production time a little.

Every now and then there are some misunderstandings along our communication chain from designer Jonas in Berlin via production manager Aigul to our leather master Artur in Bishkek, which can lead to the process taking longer. Moreover, we realised that the wallets, with their many small pockets, are a bit more complex in the production than our classic sleeves. And finally, the leather also thwarted our plans, because it was partly too thick and strong for the gentle wallets we were planning to make.

First wallets soon in your mailbox

Anyhow, around two thirds of the wallets arrived in Berlin on friday and were directly packed and sent out by the team, so that most of you will receive a package within the next few days. Those supporters, that took part towards the end of the campaign, will unfortunately still have to wait around 2 more weeks. After all, we only want to send out top quality products, and we first had to order new leather for that. So thank you for your understanding. We are only human. And no worries, until christmas there is still more than enough time! ;)

KANCHA Design UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Gneisenaustr. 7a
10961 Berlin

21.09.14 - Es ist vollbracht! Herzlichen Dank an alle...

Es ist vollbracht! Herzlichen Dank an alle Fans und Unterstützer.Ab nun können Vorbestellungen auf unserem Online Shop getätigt werden -->

10.09.14 - Neues Fundingziel: €5.000! Wenn wir diese...

Neues Fundingziel: €5.000! Wenn wir diese Summe erreichen, geben die beiden KANCHA Gründer einen Dankeschön-RAP zum besten.

Design Wallets aus Kirgistan
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