Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Hilf mit, AMA wieder auf die Spur zu bringen. Für flauschige Konzerte, Kunst, Geschichten und mehr Fantasie auf unseren Wegen.

Hatschipuuuh... Ama hat sich einen Virus eingefangen. Und der ist bis in den Motor vorgedrungen. Um wieder gemeinsame Erlebnisse mit Musik zu kreieren, und Ama gleich noch ein wenig umweltfreundlicher zu gestalten, brauche ich eure Hilfe!
12.05.22 - 10.07.22
Sommersaison 2022
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 952 €

Die wichtigste OP ist gedeckt: Die Reperatur am Motor. Danach können wir wieder um die Welt brausen. Aber da war doch noch was?

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Repair relief

Laura Weider
Laura Weider4 min Lesezeit

I admit it, even though I tried to keep up the facade and do my best to repair Ama, the cost of the engine repair, which was up to 5000 €, took me quite a bit. That is more than my dear Ama had cost at that time! But I was even more depressed that it was unclear when the repair could be done. Because there, where she now stands (in a hall with hundreds of fabulous oldtimers, a dream!) works an absolute expert, who knows all about old engines, but who is also so booked up that it was not clear whether I could hug my Ama this year again. Or she could hug me, as she is slightly taller than I am.

That made me very uncomfortable, all this uncertainty. I think old-timer fans know what I'm talking about when I say that my car is also my best friend. Whether it's sadness or joy I carry, she's always a home to me, and she catches me. That's why I missed her so much! And of course, because we still have so much planned together.

Last week, for the first time since the pandemic, I caught the fat C myself. And I thought to myself: now not only Ama has a virus, but I do too. Obviously, I was immediately worried: how am I going to take care of my crowdfunding campaign now? But to be honest, I didn't even have the energy to worry anymore, and I was thrown back into the moment. Which is often the best thing that can happen to you.

So with what little energy I had left, I did the best I could probably do. And on day 5 of my existence in the present moment came the great reward for it:

We got an engine!

When I found out that I would be "out of order" for a few days, I called my trusted oldtimer parts dealer and asked if he could help me with a good used engine. It must be said that these are now rare, and often cost several thousands, too. And while I was sick, he pulled all the strings. And Monday came the good news: Ama is getting a new heart.

I have tears in my eyes as I write this. For me an unbelievable redemption. My inner child is jumping up and down, and relief is setting in.

It's a bit like the impossible has suddenly become possible. While before I had no exact information about the actual cost of the engine repair (up to 5000 € was the announcement) and whether this will succeed, and when it can be carried out, now I know that definitely still this summer we can start again.

Of course, I still hope that we get more together and thereby above all more we can drive ecological and economical, and have mobile power in the form of solar for our outdoor concerts. But the most important thing, that Ama rolls again, It feels like with your help I already achieved that.

I am so grateful to you!

Thanks to the innovations, I was able to lower the starting level significantly and create a new starting level. The next steps are repair costs, conversion to LGP gas and a solar system.

So feel free to share the campaign a bit more. I definitely recommend the easy going art workshops for piano, drawing and abstract art, and, my heart's project:

A hike in the Schlaubetal with piano music (hikey likey!). Pack up your friends and let's go <3.

I wish I already had my passenger transport license, which allows me to shuttle guests with the fire truck, but what is not can and will still be.

Now it's time for the final sprint, in the good confidence that everything that comes now will be implemented with love and heart.

Thank you for being part of it! Our hearts are jumping!
Laura & Ama


24.06.22 - Wir haben einen wertigen gebrauchten Motor...

Wir haben einen wertigen gebrauchten Motor gefunden! Dadurch reduzieren sich die Kosten um ein Vielfaches. Es gibt eine neue Staffelung:

Kauf Motor 952 €
Reperatur < 800 €
Umbau ECO < 5200€
= 6952 € für alles anstatt nur die Reperaturkosten!

Let's Go! THX!

We have found a used engine of good value! This will reduce the cost many times. There is a new scale:

Purchase engine 952 €
Repair < 800 €
Conversion ECO < 5200€
= 6952 € for everything instead of just the repair costs!

21.06.22 - Life is life! Und in meinem Leben kamen...

Life is life! Und in meinem Leben kamen gerade viele Überraschungen auf mich zu. Die Bookings gingen nach zwei ruhigen Jahren wieder los, ich darf wunderbare Musik komponieren für digitale Kampagnen, und auch ansonsten war neben der Crowdfundingkampagne viel los! Um nochmal ein bisschen Liebe und Raum hineinzugeben, habe ich mich in Absprache mit Startnext dazu entschieden, die Laufzeit um einen Monat zu verlängern. Ich freue mich über Rückenwind und Sonnenschein, und eure Unterstützung. Danke!

Life is life! And in my life there were a lot of surprises coming up. Bookings started again after two quiet years, I get to compose wonderful music for digital campaigns, and otherwise there was a lot going on besides the crowdfunding campaign! To add some more love and space, I decided in consultation with Startnext to extend the term by one month. I'm glad for the tailwind and sunshine, and your support. Thank you!

Kunst im Feuerwehrauto
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