Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Deinen Lieblingsmenschen zu finden ist eine Sache, ihn zu behalten eine völlig andere.

Vor 7 Jahren ist uns das Theaterstück LIEBLINGSMENSCHEN von Laura De Weck in die Hände geraten und wir haben uns eines vorgenommen: wir werden dieses Stück verfilmen. Warum? Aufs Minimum herunter gebrochene Dialoge, extreme Charakter und eine Schnelllebigkeit, wie sie heute zutreffender nicht sein könnte. Heute, zig Drehbuchfassungen später, ist das Ding tatsächlich im Kasten und jetzt brauchen wir Eure Unterstützung um den Film fertig zu stellen.
18.08.16 - 03.10.16
Juli - Dezember 2016
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
10.000 €
Film / Video
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First test screenings *ENGLISH*

Vlady Valentin Oszkiel
Vlady Valentin Oszkiel2 min Lesezeit

Dear supporters,

apologies for our delayed update. In June and July we organized a couple of test screenings to put our most recent rough draft to the test. What is working, what isn't? Are people laughing or falling asleep? All in all a very exciting but also nerve-wrecking process. But we were able to collect lots of precious information and are looking forward to applying everything as we close in on wrapping the editing part of post production - something that takes up a lot of time since every frame has to be right and there are 25 frames in just one second. But all technicalities aside, we were quite amazed and very happy that our movie made a lasting impression and stuck with our viewers. Quite fantastic! :)

Unfortunately, our sponsored editing suite was not available for well over a month. On top of that, we still need to earn money to pay rent and so forth. So going in and out of different projects and finding the same time slots to sit down and continue the work on the feature is something we have to face on a regular basis. We've already met with several sound design companies, but so far no luck getting it done for the money we can afford. The search continues.

Thanks for hanging in there and for your patience. This takes time, lots of time. :)

All the best,
Ariane and Vlady

Ariane Pochon und Vlady Valentin Oszkiel Filmproduktion GbR
Vlady Valentin Oszkiel
Boxhagener Straße, 62
10245 Berlin Deutschland
L I E B L I N G S M E N S C H E N - Der Film
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