Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Ein 90-minütiger Dokumentarfilm von Sharon Ryba-Kahn. Produziert von Daroma Productions & Heimathafen Film. Crowdfunding-Kampagne von TIME PRINTS.

In einer wunderschönen Seniorenresidenz stellen sich drei bemerkenswerte Frauen, Mado (90), Dola (95) und Thea (99), den Herausforderungen des Alterns, während wir in ihre Vergangenheit eintauchen. Was haben die Liebe und das Leben sie gelehrt, nachdem sie das Schlimmste überlebt haben?
01.07.24 - 15.09.24
Juni 2024 - März 2025
Website & Social Media
Finanzierungsziel: 20.000 €

Schnitt, Musikkomposition, Sounddesign, Farbkorrektur, Tonmischung, Untertitel, DCP-Erstellung, Festivalvertrieb

Je nachdem, wie viele Spenden wir erhalten, werden wir das Geld auf die einzelnen Departments aufteilen.

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How to help us ?/ Wie man uns noch helfen kann?

Sebastian Weyland
Sebastian Weyland1 min Lesezeit

First of all a huge thank you for all of our donations to each one of you. We have now reached 10% of our goal. The only way to reach the goal is of the circle of people each one of us knows extends, maybe you feel like helping us realise this. Here is how
1) Think of at least 3 people you know, who could be either potential donors, or have a network of people interested. I also describe on the start next page, who I believe is the target audience of the film.
2) Send them the campaign video and see how they respond to you. They will because they know you.
3) Follow up with them, ask them if they any intention to support and if they do, especially if they do not have the capacity to support this project, but like it, please send them this little guide on how to help. Thank you in advance for your help, giving birth to this film is an act of love for me. Have a wonderful weekend,

Love Till 120 - Lessons of Love and Life
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