Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
LUKS ist das studentische Illustrationsmagazin des Department Design der HAW Hamburg. Bereits innerhalb der ersten beiden Ausgaben zu den Themen »Unglaublich laut!« und »Wolpertinger« ist das LUKS Magazin vom Geheimtipp und Liebhaberstück innerhalb der Designszene zu einer anerkannten Publikation avanciert. Die dritte Ausgabe widmet sich dem Thema »Tabu« und schlägt damit einerseits ernstere Klänge an als zuvor, es darf aber, wie in den vorherigen Ausgaben, ganz frei interpretiert werden!
28.02.14 - 24.04.14
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
5.000 €
Widget einbinden

How to order the LUKS magazine?

LUKS Magazin
LUKS Magazin2 min Lesezeit

Because the question came up quite often during the last days, we decided to help our friends from overseas with short instructions on how you are able to support and at least buy a LUKS.

A. You need to go on
On the right side you see „Dankeschöns“ which means the packets you are able to choose besides just the LUKS magazine to support the project.

B. After you picked the one you want, you have to scroll a bit and click on „Projekt jetzt unterstützen“.

That leads you to the login.

1) is your order, on 2) you have to fill in your name, surname and email address. If you click on 3) you´ll receive a bill and under 4) you need to leave your address so that we will be able to ship your order as soon as possible (first name, last name, street and housenr., postalcode, city, country). With 5) you choose your payment, on 6) you can leave a comment, and 7) allows you tonot to show your order on the website and to generate a pdf to make your order a gift to someone.

Now you are nearly done!

8) is a summery of your order – you have to click the little white square to agree to terms and conditions – after which you are able to click on „Jetzt zahlungspflichtig unterstützen“ which means to place your order.

Hopefully we were able to help a little bit.

the LUKS Crew

LUKS Magazin
Finkenau 35
22081 Hamburg Deutschland
LUKS Magazin #3
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