This is Malandra: we want to give new life to cachaça, respecting 500 years of tradition and the environment in Brazil. Because you deserve better ♥
We are two Brazilians with a mission: we want to offer the best cachaça we found in Brazil to you. Cachaça is mostly known by its drink "Caipirinha", but it is so much more! It has a huge history, complex notes, and it is a very versatile spirit. We produce Malandra in the countryside of Brazil with a small distillery, the process is totally manual and we respect the environment. Support us to be part of this wave.
31.01.20 -
April 2020
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 5.000 €
Yes! With this amount you help us to produce the first 2.000 bottles of Malandra and transport them to Germany! :)
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