Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Durch die Ermächtigung der Kinder in der Schaffung der Choreographie, wollen wir ihnen Vertrauen geben und ihnen Methoden der Schöpfung zeigen.

Die pubertät kann eine schwierige Zeit für Kinder sein, wenn sie mit körperlichen, emotionalen und sozialen Umbrüchen fertig werden müssen. Mit dem Moving Kids Projekt zielen wir darauf ab, den Kindern eine Möglichkeit zu geben, sich auszudrücken und ihre Ängste zu bekämpfen. Unser Ziel ist es, die Schüler eine Tanz-Choreographie entwickeln zu lassen, die Kreativität, Selbstbewusstsein und den Umgang untereinander fördert. Diese Workshops haben eine Abschlussaufführung als Ziel.
16.03.17 - 16.04.17
April - Juni
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
2.200 €
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Our 'moving' kids happy to perform in the Stadthaus, Ulm!

Cecilia Espejo
Cecilia Espejo2 min Lesezeit

Dear all,

First we should apologise for not giving you feedback of the project status till now. The project was postponed for technical reasons and we wanted to contact you when there was a clear information about it.

Now we are happy to say that our project is going on in the Freie Waldorfschule of Ulm city and will be performed in the best stages possible. Our 'moving' kids are full speed preparing their choreographies and looking forward to showing them to their public.

In the first place, they will perform part of their performance in their school in front of parents and colleagues. This will be the 29th, the 70th anniversary of the Freie Waldorfschule, Ulm. This will give them enough confidence to keep on working on their piece till the final performances in the Stadthaus, Ulm. Their performance will be part of a big performance called 'What makes us human?'.

‘What makes us human?' aims to be an installation performance that takes the public on a journey that dives into the perspective of human identity; how we see ourselves and one another, how we want to see the past/ future of human existence…. Essentially, attempting to answer the question; what makes us all human or inhumane?

Our 'moving' kids are an important part of this performance, accompanied by 3 professional dancers, one actor and a pianist. Visuals will also be a main key in this experience, where some other dancers from the Theater Ulm took part.

Tickets are already available for our performance in the Stadthaus the 3th , 4th and 5th of November. There are only 80 seats for each performance so, please, be quick and reserve yours:

Soon our supporters will receive their awards and will post new images and small videos of the process.

Stay tuned.

Hope to see you the 3,4 or 5th in our performance.


Das Crowdfunding-Projekt wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Das Unterstützen und Bestellen ist auf Startnext nicht mehr möglich.

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Was heißt das?
Moving Rhizomes e.V.
Cecilia Espejo
Insel, 5
89231 Neu Ulm Deutschland

Moving Rhizomes is a non-profit e.V. collective made up of professional artists. Together we have a diverse range of skills and our aim is to create projects that lead to improvements in our ecosystem through cultural and artistic expression, initiating s

MOVING KIDS, Choreographie-Workshops für Kinder
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