Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Ein Friedensbuch, das die Sehnsucht der Menschen überall auf der Welt nach Frieden visualisiert. Mehr als 10.000 Menschen aus 120 Nationen haben seit 2012 auf unserer Internetseite ihre Porträts und Kommentare für Frieden hochgeladen und damit ihrem Wunsch nach globalem Frieden ein Gesicht gegeben. Bitte helfen Sie uns, diese Botschaften des Friedens und der Liebe mit einem Friedensbuch zu verbreiten. (Buchformat 21x21 cm, Umfang ca. 320 Seiten)
21.05.15 - 01.07.15
Oktober 2015
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
8.000 €
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My Face For Peace exhibition in Tehran/Iran

Saeeid Dastmalchian
Saeeid Dastmalchian2 min Lesezeit

Dear friends and companions of My Face For Peace,
In these turbulent times, we would like to warmly recommend you our Peace Book My Face For Peace once again. Until 31.12.2015 you can purchase a copy for 19 Euro instead of 25 Euro on our website The shipping costs are included. We also gladly accept orders via e-mail ([email protected]).

As many of you probably know, this unique book has been published in September after three years work. It is a wonderful testimony to the global desire for peace. On 300 pages more than 10.000 people from over 132 countries touch and inspire us with awesome portraits and messages for peace. It's a book that encourages us to believe in the possibility of global peace. Convince yourself. Attached you'll find a preview of the first 24 pages of the book.

But our peace work is going on. Every day we get new faces and messages for peace from all around the world. The number of representatives of My Face For Peace in the world is constantly increasing - currently there are 26 countries. For 2016, the start of our international traveling exhibition is planned. A fixed commitment we already have for an exhibition at the Peace Museum in Tehran in May 2016. For further exhibitions in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka we are in conversation.

With the purchase of the book you support our continued peace efforts. Please also recommend the Peace Book. What could be better than to gift loved ones with peace messages at Christmas ;-)

Much love and greetings from
Saeeid & Cordula

My Face For Peace
Saeeid Dastmalchian
Hamburg Deutschland

My Face For Peace
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