Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Berlin's first and only queer immersive Halloween Haunt: a walk-through scare experience and celebration of monstrosity and desire.

NIGHTCRAWLERS is an immersive scare experience and love letter to monstrosity and horror. The audience enters a 360° performance installation in the tradition of "Halloween Haunts." Pushed into the shadows, the Nightcrawlers have created a frightening yet alluring netherworld where they experience pleasure, lust, dignity and community on their own terms.
15.09.23 - 29.09.23
October 2023
Website & Social Media
Finanzierungsziel: 3.150 €

Thanks to the mentioned past public funding, we were able to finance the set/light/sound design and costumes, so NIGHTCRAWLERS is good to go except - we need to raise 3150 EUR to cover all remaining costs.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

My name is Jos Porath. I have been directing immersive performance installations, primarily in Berlin/DE for nearly a decade. You can find more information about me and examples of my work on my website .

With this campaign, I am raising funds to cover rent costs for NIGHTCRAWLERS, my latest undertaking and a true heartblood project.

Some snack-sized info chunks about NIGHTCRAWLERS:

  • Berlin's first and only queer Halloween Haunt
  • blend of innovative performing arts experience & cutting-edge entertainment
  • 3 exclusive shows on 28th, 29th and 31st October 2023
  • historical event location Alte Münze in the heart of Berlin
  • 120-150 guests per night
  • 30-minute high intensity 16+ experience
  • solo/small group walk-through
  • 20 themed, multisensory spaces over 800 sq m
  • designed for an international audience (language: EN/DE/non-verbal)
  • 20 professional performers
  • sophisticated original audio & light design for full immersion

This is our website:

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

The horror genre has been home to the exploration of queer identities and desires since its earliest days. NIGHTCRAWLERS updates this history to a 21st century Berlin setting and celebrates the state-of-the-art monsters and their frightening yet alluring netherworld.

Horror has been with me since I was a teenager - as genre, obsession, artistic language, aesthetic and a growing archive of stories that would not be told elsewhere. NIGHTCRAWLERS sets out to prove that horror speaks uniquely of and to queer experience, and that Haunts belong in the immersive performing arts.

By the same token, we want to reach horror aficionados and horror newbies, hard-boiled haunters and scaredy cats, culture vultures and seasonal thrill-seekers, queers and allies, and everyone in between.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

NIGHTCRAWLERS was researched, developed and produced with support by Fonds Darstellende Künste, Germany’s primary funding for the performing arts and a marker of artistic excellence. However, public money for the performing arts has been slashed in the past couple of months, and so I am pivoting to run NIGHTCRAWLERS as a self-financing venture that exists independently of increasingly meager funding.

The 2023 shows will be the proof of concept. The plan is for NIGHTCRAWLERS to run again next Haunt season, financially independent and self-sustaining. But to get there, we - the NIGHTCRAWLERS team -need your help.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

Thanks to the mentioned past public funding, we were able to finance the set/light/sound design and costumes, so NIGHTCRAWLERS is good to go except - we need to raise 3000 EUR to cover rent costs at our venue upfront, plus 150 EUR crowdfunding transaction fees, so 3150 EUR in total.
If we manage to raise the amount in full, every EUR made through ticket sales will be split among the performers to pay them.

If you can afford to, please consider contributing to the campaign; if not, we appreciate you telling anyone who you think might be interested in NIGHTCRAWLERS to take a look and share it in their networks.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Creative Director: Jos Porath
Dramaturgy: Wanja Neite, Jos Porath, Omi Tabari, Marie S Zwinzscher
Set and Costume Design: MOTHER with Jano Jonas
Light and Audio Design: Simon Salem Müller
Performers: Amanda Babaei Vieira, Tilman Gunz, Jörn Hermann, Sofia Karagiorgou, Kelvin Kilonzo, Jano Jonas, Frederik von Lüttichau, Wanja Neite, Melody Pasanideh, Dee Andishe Pishva, René Ritterbusch, Nechama Rothschild, Raphael Souza Sá, Simon Steinhorst, Omi Tabari, Laurean Wagner, Jack Willenbacher
Trailer: Lukas Dolgner, Kevin Kopacka

Developed and produced with support by Fonds Darstellende Künste.
Further cooperation partners include (technical support), Alte Münze Berlin (venue, logistics) and Creepy Crypt (PR).


Fonds Darstellende Künste

Researched and developed with support from Fonds Darstellende Künste.

Tech and website support from

Alte Münze Berlin

Logistics support from Alte Münze Berlin.

Creepy Crypt

PR support from Creepy Crypt.

Spargelhof Klaistow

Pumpkins from Spargelhof Klaistow

NIGHTCRAWLERS: A Queer Immersive Halloween Haunt
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