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Neun Jahre sind beinahe ein ganzes Hundeleben, jetzt schreiten wir ein. Der Pfotencampus bietet jedem Hund seine verdiente Chance.

<Der Pfotencampus> Das ganzheitliche Kompetenzzentrum mit exklusiven Dienstleistungszweigen umfasst u.a. die k o s t e n l o s e Rehabilitationsarbeit mit verhaltenskreativen Tierheimhunden neben einem familiären H o t e l mit viel Charme, bunten Abenteuern & nachhaltigem Training für Hunde von Privatpersonen. Dahinter steckt noch weitaus mehr: Lerne die Kooperationspartner kennen und wieso hier etwas ganz einzigartiges, grandioses mit viel Herzblut, Kompetenz & Know-how entsteht.
09.07.18 - 22.08.18
Ende 2018 / Anfang 2019
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 199.000 €

Wir bauen den Hof "Gut Baberg" zu einem vollausgestatteten Kompetenzzentrum um. (Hundezimmer, Watch-In-App, Außengelände, Umzäunungen, Indoorarbeitshalle u.v.m)

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English version project description

Beatrice Isenburg
Beatrice Isenburg8 min Lesezeit

Pfotencampus – Projektvorstellung englisch

The holistic competence center with exclusive service branches includes free rehabilitation work with behavior-creative shelter dogs next to a family hotel with lots of charm, colorful adventures & sustainable training for dogs of private persons. There is much more behind it: Get to know the cooperation partners and why something unique, grandiose with a lot of heart and soul, competence & know-how is created here.

Worum geht es in dem Projekt / What is this project about?
Rehabilitation, dog holidays, training, fitness & relaxation - > in one place!

The holistic (dog) competence center of the Pfotencampus Gut Baberg offers solutions for many questions and gaps in the system.

• On the Pfotencampus not only animal shelter dogs are to get their second chance on passing on and resocialization, but a broad volume of services around the extensive topic dog develop.

• On the training campus, a fixed rehabilitation place is assigned free of charge to the local animal shelter. Shelter dogs will move in here stationary and grab their chance. It is trained, experienced, learned and prepared for life in the final mediation. Hundreds of dogs can be placed faster and more efficiently.

• Dogs are cared for in the absence of their owners up to several weeks and months at a time, in family care. Whether it is due to holidays or work, illness or because a person plans a leisure activity that takes place without a dog. Celebrations and other unforeseeable events are no longer an absurdity or problem, because the dog finds its holiday or day place in the group or single room attitude in the family connection on Gut Baberg. The dog owner can visit his dog at any time virtually (e.g. from vacation) on the Pfotencampus Gut Baberg via a Watch in App and convince himself of his well-being. Many adventures are waiting for the four-legged friends! Of course, without keeping a kennel or bungalow, directly in the house, with the family. Here dogs get their own little rooms and enjoy holidays on the Baberg. Exciting walks, large runs, lots of fun in the pack, a dog pool on the spacious grounds as well as enough rest periods and strokes are here no luxury, but standard!

• Professional dog training (by trained and tested trainer) according to the latest scientific findings, in the form of private lessons/individual work, group lessons and workshops. For this, a dog place, as in the future also a large indoor work hall is available to make weather-independent working possible.

• We don't want a dog to be like Rex anymore and he has to wait 9 years or longer for his people at the shelter because he can't be placed. This includes prevention: everyone should learn to treat dogs fairly, consistently and correctly. Children as well as adults are introduced to the correct handling of the dog with a sure instinct.

• As an alternative to all-day-care, the dog shuttle bus drives its tours and collects dogs in groups in the neighboring towns, so that a trained dog-walker takes the dogs out in manageable groups. Of course, always with a lot of fun and discipline on top. After the walking service the dogs are brought home well protected again, so that mistress/master does not have to worry, should the settling fail again times somewhat longer.

• A dog groomer will be available for holiday dogs and other visitors on the grounds every week.

• In addition, there will be changing lectures, seminars and workshops offered by the Pfotencampus team, but also by other well-known external lecturers, veterinarians and cooperation partners. e.g. by dog health trainers and (dog) nutritionists, as well as weekly physiotherapeutic offers. (acupuncture, laser, osteopathy etc.)

• Everyone who is interested in nutrition and fitness is welcome here, with or without a dog. Specialists in the field of personal training and relaxation pedagogy/burnout prevention will in future offer sports courses with and without dogs, as well as cooking courses and nutritional advice for people with and without dogs. In order to support the harmonious team "Man at peace and satisfied dog ", it is just as necessary to provide instructions for people to help them in their everyday life and to create a balance as to work in parallel with the dog. The Pfotencampus offers a holistic service, a place where everything flows together. Transparent, fair and free of misunderstandings in communication.

A place without society pressure, without breed drawers or "stamps". Here everyone is taken as they come. A person who only wants to have fun with his dog is just as welcome as a "bookworm" who wants to swing the pen diligently at seminars and specialist lectures.

• The Pfotenshop (online as on site) offers all necessary tools for training and dog equipment. But also, advice and information: "What suits you and your dog?" "Which equipment makes sense?" In the Pfotenshop you will also find high-quality treats and complete dog food - all suppliers/sources are visited and inspected by us beforehand. Products are only included in the program if we are completely convinced of their production and quality. Organic and natural products round off the exclusive range. #fair #fresh #formoreanimalwelfare

The contact point that makes you feel safe, with us you get an answer to every question, but no standard solutions, because every dog is just as individual as every human being. We look forward to welcoming you to the Pfotencampus team! To get started now, we need your help!

Please share this project with your friends so that we have as many supporters on our site as possible.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe? / What are the goals and who is the target group?

The focus is to firmly establish the holistic competence center with all its service branches on the market, so that all costs incurred (also for the work/rehabilitation of the shelter dogs) can be borne independently. In the future, without any further support from organizations or associations.

People who have problems with their dog should find a contact point where nothing is lacking. Trained and qualified specialists are available to help and advise you on every question concerning dogs. Every single one of them, an expert in his or her area of expertise.

I am often asked where the nearest vet is located, where a good dog groomer is represented, which physiotherapist would be recommended etc., dog owners are usually looking for answers, but do not find solutions. The offers are scattered far beyond the city limits and no direct contact point is available. Many small adjustments in training and behavioral therapy are occasionally in the area of health. Furthermore, the medical and nutritional fields must not be ignored.

The Pfotencampus offers a solution for all open questions.

For the dog:

• behavioral training
• socialization
• holiday
• balance / satisfaction

For man:

• harmonious everyday life
• balanced nutrition
• autogenic training
• progressive muscle relaxation
• burnout Prevention
• physical education
• interexchange
• fun

For man & dog:

• balanced nutrition/cooking courses
• relaxing
• physical education
• common ground & harmony

Our target group is very colorful and diversified.
With this well-thought-out concept we address the following people, among others:

1) animal welfare enthusiasts

2) Dog owners who are looking for professional dog care (with family connection instead of known kennel or bungalow keeping)

3) Animal lovers who want to look behind the scenes to understand the dog language

4) sports enthusiasts, who are also interested in doing things together with their dog, so that the hobby "sport" and dog can be combined in time.

5) Professionals with dogs, who need the walking service/shuttle service or day care to get a stress-free everyday life

6) People who are interested in nutrition courses and further education in the field of (dog and) human health

7) Dog owners who attach great importance to the origin of snacks and treats and who do not want to feed their dogs chemical clubs.

8) People with and without dogs, who want to do something good for themselves and want to book an autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation

9) Dog owners who want to have fun with their dog without fundamental problems. Fun and balance!

10) Anyone who wants to support something huge and big with a little thing, because he has a good heart!

We take into account every age group - from children and puppies to the human and animal seniors among us.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung? / What happens to the money if financing is successful?

If the financing is successful, the property "Gut Baberg" (58540) is purchased, so that the project can be realized there. Development of the Watch-In App, fencing of the area for the dog runs, as well as furnishing of the dog rooms (according to the specifications of the veterinary office), extension of the training equipment for the work with shelter dogs and further.

Pfotencampus (Training | Futter | Betreuung)
Beatrice Isenburg
Bräuckenstraße 14
58511 Lüdenscheid Deutschland

Erweiterung der Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG

Telefon: 0177-7791260

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:

Die gewerbliche Tätigkeit eines Hundetrainers bedarf der
behördlichen Zulassung. Diese Erlaubnis gemäß §11 Abs. 1 Nr. 8 f Tierschutzgesetz wurde mir, Beatrice Isenburg, am 04.08.2015 vom Märkischen Kreis (durch Dr. Trappe) erteilt.

Zuständiges Veterinäramt:
Märkischer Kreis
Kreishaus Lüdenscheid
Heedfelder Str. 45
58509 Lüdenscheid

Angaben zur Berufshaftpflichtversicherung
Name und Sitz des Versicherers:
Allfinanz Deutsche Vermögensberatung
Koelner Str. 21
58509 Lüdenscheid

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Beatrice Isenburg

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23.08.18 - Wir sind unendlich glücklich! Vielen,...

Wir sind unendlich glücklich!

Vielen, vielen Dank für Euren unermüdlichen Einsatz.
Wir freuen uns Euch mitteilen zu dürfen, dass unser Projekt einen Investor gefunden hat. Vielen herzlichen Dank für Euren Support, Euer Durchhaltevermögen und Eure Unterstützung. Wir freuen uns tierisch auf die Umsetzung und Realisierung des "Pfotencampus Gut Baberg!"

Ihr seid spitzenmäßig!

Liebste Grüße
Beatrice Isenburg

9 Jahre zu Unrecht hinter Gittern!
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