After entirely self-funding her debut album "Toxic Beauty" , South African singer Philadelphia, would now like to involve you, to crowd-fund her second album. This album will be about her journey, the fascinating people she meets … Mehr anzeigen
Dear Philadelphia,
thank you so much for your brand-new CD and your warm dedication, it is really great. Thanks for the poster too.
All the best to you
Dietrich Haller
vor 3093 Tagen
Hi Philadelphia, just wanna know the status of the CD project, would be happy to get one.
Best Dietrich
Philadelphia Ecker
vor 3502 Tagen
Hi Lester, thank you so much. And thanks for coming on here and showing love and support. Amanda is sweet :)
The venue sounds like my Cuppa Tea;), will definitely check it out & hopefully meet & see you soon at an up-coming gig. Thanks again! Philadelphia
Lester Faleiro
vor 3503 Tagen
Hi Philadelphia, heard about you through Amanda Davies promoting your work! You have a great voice, and I hope that you get the funding you need. In case you are doing concerts to help with the funding, there is a great little jazz club in Wangen, not far from you, called the Schwarze Hase ([Link entfernt]). Artists can contact them on [E-Mail entfernt]
It is a nice cosy stage, with a great atmosphere. I think it might be your sort of could sing your first album in the autumn, or promote your second album in winter......all the best!
Philadelphia Ecker
vor 3515 Tagen
Thank you Elsa! Velvet....mmmmmm:) Appreciate all the support xox
elsa araya kuhn
vor 3515 Tagen
i love the video! <3 and your voice is like velvet. congratulations on the launch- will be sharing this! wishing you all the very best!