Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

A queer webseries about online dating in Berlin

Eine Gruppe von queeren Freund*innen in Berlin stürzt sich in die Welt des Online-Datings. Jede 15-minütige Episode basiert auf wahren Geschichten, in denen wir die einzelnen Freund*innen bei ihren - oft unerwarteten - Online-Dates verfolgen. Der Pilotfilm Deadweight zeigt die ersten Schritte von Richie auf seiner Suche nach einer echten Verbindung. Für den Pilotfilm brauchen wir ingesamt 7000,- EUR.
06.06.22 - 05.08.22
Shooting Juli / August
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 7.000 €

We will use the money to realize the Pilot of our new queer series "Wyd?".

Film / Video
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Wyd? - How are we doing?

Max kutschenreuter
Max kutschenreuter2 min Lesezeit

Dear Backers of Wyd?

There has been a little silence regarding our project Wyd?.

Just first and foremost we are still very dedicated to creating this series, but I would like to shed some lights to 'mostly' cerebral developments.

First off, we found the actors who want to play in the first episode. We believe that the two actors could play really well off of each other but there was a catch.
As we all need money one of the actors took a half year job on a cruise and will only be back in March, and ready to shoot in April. This put us for a dilemma - will we continue and replace an actor we felt was good, or will we wait for them.

Currently this dilemma hasn't been completely solved, whereas we are still exploring options with other actors.
However this might have been a blessing in disguise, because perhaps it meant we could develop the complete series a bit more and find ourselves a producer.
To avoid another hole between the pilot and the rest of the series we are exploring the option of writing the rest of the series while we wait for our actors to return to Germany.
We are also currently looking for a german producer who knows about the German series market and wants to help us develop.

These are the latest developments and we will continue to update you what will happen more. But the main point is that we will probably delay with releasing the pilot until the new year, because we care to do it really well!

Thank you for tuning in! For being patient and for backing our project!

Kind regards,
The team of Wyd?!

Max Kutschenreuter
Max kutschenreuter
Karl-Marx Str. 241
12057 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE346150041

07.07.22 - Dear Supporters of Wyd? First and foremost...

Dear Supporters of Wyd?

First and foremost thank you for all your support, we are truly moved by the turn-out so far.
We are using this platform to let you know that we will keep the campagne open till early August.
Due to personal circumstances some contacts haven't materialized like we wanted to yet.
We will use this time to start talks with producers and companies for their support, something that so far hasn't happened yet enough.

We hope you understand and thank you!
The team of Wyd?

Wyd? (webseries) Deadweight (Pilot Episode)
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