Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Global Effort to Preserve Iconic Organ Sounds

Join us in preserving the unique sounds of historic organs! Our mission is to sample organs in churches and concert halls, capturing their original acoustics before they are lost to closure, relocation, or disaster. These samples will be used in Hauptwerk, allowing the majestic music of these instruments to endure. Supporters will receive exclusive rewards, from private online concerts to copies of the sample sets. Help us protect and celebrate the heritage of these irreplaceable instruments.
05.06.24 - 31.08.24
First Production, End Of 2024
Website & Social Media
Finanzierungsziel: 8.900 €

To launch this campaign, we need funds for additional recording equipment, specialized software, and programming skills. In addition, there will be travel to locations, extensive recording sessions, post-production work, and the creation of sample sets.

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The Final Countdown

Fraser Gartshore
Fraser Gartshore1 min Lesezeit

🚨 Only 10 Days Left to Fund Our Organ Sampling Project! 🚨

The clock is ticking, and we’re in the final stretch! After a brief pause, we’re back, energized, and ready to dive deep into the exciting world of organ sampling. Our project has gained momentum, and the list of organs awaiting preservation is growing fast—now up to 15 incredible instruments from around the globe!

This includes 3 cathedral organs, 2 historically significant organs, 1 magnificent theatre organ, and—most urgently—3 organs whose futures hang by a thread. These may never sound again, making our mission more crucial than ever.

We’re so grateful for the support we’ve received so far, but we need your help to cross the finish line. Please share our StartNext link and let’s secure these iconic sounds for generations to come!

🎶 Join us in preserving the majestic voices of these organs—before it’s too late! 🎶

Sacred Soundscapes: Preserving Historic Organs for the Future
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