Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Andy Widder

Deutschland / Dielheim

I was very lucky to be able to turn my hobby into my profession:

Since 1990 I have loved and lived my dream and worked with music: events, tours, record label and music publishing and much more.
Everything in the field of swingin' 40s, rockin' 50s and surfin' 60s interests me. We work almost exclusively with current bands, who mostly compose and produce their own songs.

In my private life I am often on the road in social, local and voluntary teams, I like to do project, network and structure work here (together is much better, together instead of against each other).

To find myself and to get new strength I like to spend time with my wonderful wife and our great dogs (two Salukis and a German Shorthair) in nature.

Abonnierte Projekte
Eigene Projekte
Lars Köster

Knipp Gumbo - Rock'n'Roll un sowat auf Platt un Hochdüütsch!

Knipp Gumbo arbeitet am ersten Album. Hier erfahrt Ihr alles darüber und könnt es bereits jetzt erwerben - in unterschiedlichsten Ausführungen!
3.168 € (106%)
Knipp Gumbo - Rock\'n\'Roll un sowat auf Platt un Hochdüütsch!