Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Doris Grass

Deutschland / Bonn

... a sociologist by heart and habit, a young(--ish) but seasoned book lover with much enthusiasm for beauty and beautiful language...

After having worked some time in science I am again drawn away from rather dry articles and journal papers towards real books - wonderful books, that do their bit to brighten and better our lifes by making us experience and realize the world near and far, the big stuff and the little, hope and despair, possibilities and impossibilities...

Morgan Finlay

Das neue Album von Morgan Finlay

Ich brauche die Kraft der Gemeinschaft, um mein neues Album zu produzieren!
16.396 €
Das neue Album von Morgan Finlay
Sascha & Sascha

Sascha & Sascha - Sexismus mit Humor begegnen

Ein humoristisches Comicprojekt mit Sascha&Sascha, die aus ihren Geschlechtsschubladen steigen. Wir sammeln eure Geschichten und machen daraus Comics.
7.908 € (113%)