Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Dana Reina Téllez

You might come across this campaign because you know me well and are a dear to me, or because we just met or because you've attended my yoga classes, circles or other spaces... Or maybe all of the above.
My name is Daniela. I grew up in Colombia and live in Germany for the past seven years. I work in Bremen as an Illustrator, Botanical-therapist, Yoga Teacher and Facilitator of circles and workshops.

Abonnierte Projekte
Eigene Projekte
Dana Reina Téllez

Sexological Bodywork * Ent-kolon-isieren

Ich träume davon, dieses Wissen zu sammeln und andere Menschen in ihre eigene sexuelle Ermächtigung und ihr tieferes Wachstum großzügig zu begleiten.
5.029 € (101%)
Sexological Bodywork * Ent-kolon-isieren

Im Team von

Satyam Fundraiser

SATYAM Fundraising

Opening a Peace Centre in the midst of war
6.391 €
83 Tage
SATYAM Fundraising