Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Jakob Hofmann

Jakob Hofmann


I am Jakob Hofmann, a passionate percussionist and multi-instrumentalist residing in Leipzig, Germany. Music has been the driving force behind my entire existence, and my ultimate goal is to touch people's hearts and inspire them through my musical creations.

I have pursued my academic journey, completing both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Latin and Turkish Percussion in Nuremberg and Rotterdam. My musical pursuits have primarily revolved around Eastern and world music, where I have dedicated considerable focus. However, I also delve into various genres such as European folk, jazz, rock, pop, crossover, and electronica, allowing me to explore a wide range of artistic expressions.

Through this project, I am thrilled to embark on a new chapter in my musical journey, as I endeavor to construct a practice cabin that will enable me to delve even deeper into my craft. Your support will not only contribute to the realization of this dream but also allow me to continue sharing my musical endeavors and inspiring others through the power of music

Abonnierte Projekte
Eigene Projekte
Jakob Hofmann

Jakob's Sound Proof Practice Cabin

I dream to practice and produce music at any time
157 €
Jakob\'s Sound Proof Practice Cabin

Im Team von

Reikas Tanz

Reikas Zweites Album: Auf Verschlungenen Pfaden

Unser zweites Album wird Realität. Das Crowdfunding läuft nur noch bis heute, 19:00 Uhr! Jeder Euro zählt! ❤️
3.460 € (173%)
Reikas Zweites Album: Auf Verschlungenen Pfaden