Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Marcus Goldhahn

Deutschland / Berlin

Marcus Goldhahn is a film producer and green consultant. He also worked as an author, journalist, photographer, and short film director. Born in Erfurt he studied economics and has written articles for numerous German and Swiss papers and magazines. Marcus gathered his first experiences as a documentary filmmaker for a German singer/songwriter. Among the drummer from Pearl Jam Dave Krusen and members from the Band Blind Melon he filmed in a studio in Nashville there recording.

Since 2011 he has worked in various departments on television drama, and series like NACKT UNTER WÖLFEN, BETONRAUSCH, SAVE ME, BUMPER IN BERLIN, DIE THERAPIE and independent feature films like ZUM GEBURSTAG, HERERT, STILLSTEHEN, and THE JUDGMENT.

He was also a junior producer in international film and series projects. Among other things, in preparation for the German-Italian co-production "Crescendo", the tax handling of "Suspiria" and a VR project by Terra Mater Studios.

Abonnierte Projekte
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Im Team von

You Never Know

You Never Know Kurzfilm

Ein Kurzfilm zum Thema sexuelle Gewalt mit einer Mischung aus Grenzüberschreitungen und Emanzipation, die Frauen stärkt und zum Denken provoziert!
12.375 €
You Never Know Kurzfilm