Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Thomas Stellmach

Germany / Kassel

Thomas Stellmach (*1965 in Straubing, Germany) is animation director, producer, author and animator. Amongst 100 international awards for his independent productions, in 1997 he received the Academy award (Oscar®) for the stop-motion film QUEST.

He studied animation with the animation director and professor Paul Driessen at the Kassel Academy of Arts.

In 2000, after completion of his artistic studies, he founded together with two partners the animation studio “Lichthof – Film & Animation” in Kassel specialized for TV and advertising.

At the beginning of 2009 Stellmach has left the company to focus his work on artistic animation projects. Currently he is producing the short cartoon film THE SAUSAGE RUN.

Abonnierte Projekte
Eigene Projekte
Petra Stipetic und Maren Wiese


Unser Film beginnt dort, wo die meisten Liebesfilme enden und wirft einen Blick auf das, was danach kommen kann.
4.097 € (102%)